It's Me. The End.

Welcome to my bloggy blog. It's my new crush.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is now officially my favorite holiday. Why, you ask? Well, since the kids are older (13 and 14), it is the only holiday where I don't have to buy a dadgum thing. And that leaves more money in my pocket for ME, which is always a good thing. Weeeeee!

I'm tellin' ya -- I hated buying costumes when the girls were younger. I have no idea why. I always put it off until the very last minute. And then they ended up getting the most retarded costumes ever -- like a pumpkin sweatshirt and some orange tights or a "cat girl" -- whatever the freak that is.

Seriously. One year, when Autumn was 5 or so, she went as a baby. The costume consisted of a robe, nightgown and Baby Bop slippers -- you know, stuff she already had since apparently going to Wal-mart and finding something cuter was simply out of the question. I did, however, add a personal touch by making pigtails and homemade freckles. I mean, come on, I get points for that, certainly?

This year, though, the girls are on their own. You wanna dress up you by god better be handy with the scissors because momma's not making nothin'! Or buying crap.

So here's what they've done:

Paige decided she was going to be a man. She got the shirt and the boots and the trucker cap. But the piece de resistance -- a flippin' beard made out of coffee grounds! I'm serious ... the girl smeared syrup around her mouth, chin and jaw and dadgum dipped her face in a vat of coffee. Hilarious! This morning she was asking my "expert" advice on whether her mustache should go all the way down to her lip. Ummmm, yeah. Whatever, chic.

Autumn, on the other hand, went a little more low key. She sprayed her hair black, put on black eyeliner, lipstick and nail polish, and went as a skater. Hmmmm. That is kind of like how, when I was in junior high, we would wear t-shirts and shorts and say we were beach bums.

But however you say it, I didn't have to spend a thing. And that, my friends, is the most awesome-est of all things awesome. Next to filching your children's candy stash, that is.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Let the darkness commence

Man, oh, man. Do I hate the end of Daylight Savings Time. I have officially been plunged into darkness. Blech.

The only upside is that it is nice and bright at 7 a.m. and therefore helps me wake up a bit.


Who am I kidding? I'm still dead to the world, no matter how sunshine-y it is outside. That is my nature, ya'll. Me + anytime before 10 a.m. = one crabby beeyotch. I've learned to accept it.

Now for something uplifting to focus on -- I give you a trio of beauties. Behold:

This kit is from Sassacraft -- my NEW favorite company! All their kits are $19 including shipping. Why, that is practically free. And I'm all for saving money, as you know.

Anyhoo...the paper is KI Memories Grateful line. It is meant for Thanksgiving photos, but I spit in the face of conformity. Pffft.

The above photo is the newly svelte Paige. Actually she's shed about 10 more pounds since this piccie was taken. Very happy for her. Not so much for me, as I am now officially the biggest chic in the house. Ger.

Okay, next up is a layout of my daughter and one of her friends, Breanna, acting their usual goofy selves. You can't tell in the photos, but they each have nice red hickies on their chins. Yep, they did an experiment -- what would happen if they squeezed the lifeblood out of their chins nonstop for about 15 minutes. A hickey, that's what. Good job, girls.

A note on the above -- see those lovely yellow swirls? Thems raw chipboard that I painted with my own two hands. I rocked the chipboard like it was my damn job. Weeeee!

Last layout is another fabu display of chipboard stylins. All the brown bits -- they be it. I'm slowly working my way out of the funk, my friends. Usually raw chipboard irritates the crap out of me. I'm a lazy scrapper, ya know, and just don't feel like doing any of my own decorating. However, I'm kind of getting into it now. Especially if I keep churning out awesomeness such as this:

Well, I've had a great time today patting myself on the back. Thanks for hanging out. I'm hoping for some more groovy stuff tomorrow. I got two pretty kits in the mail today (which is how I prefer to start out Mondays), so maybe I will get a chance to whip out some more masterpieces.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Are you ready for fall?

Yeah. I'm not. I want summer back. Fall can just shove it for all I care. In fact, it is just an evil precursor to that devil called Winter. Urgh.

I need sunlight. I need warmth. And soothing breezes, green grass, flowers. Rain and dreariness can take a first class ticket to Hell. My treat.

Today, as a matter of fact, it is drizzly and gloomy and I'm having a serious bout of Seasonal Depression Disorder. Where's my good buddy, Sun? And Blue Sky -- where'd he run off to? Australia, probably, the bastard.

But, in celebration of all that is good about fall, here are some layouts I created. The kit is from Scrapworks, the Canvas Citrus line. And because I can't decide which ones to showcase, you get ALL of them.

You're welcome.

I'm the Queen of Collage. That is all I'm going to say about that.

Next layout is of Autumn demonstrating her best model pout. I'm so serious ... where is the Barbizon School of Modeling when you need them? I smell scholarship.

Okay, now here is Autumn showing how versatile she can be. It is a kissy face pose. Lovin' it! I've thrown a few derogatives in there for good measure, however, such as crazy, wacky, and dork (handwritten). Just keeping in real, my friends. Just keeping it real.

Alrighty, more of Autumn. I really love this picture of her. She looks so happy and smiley. I'm thinking she needs to have more days like this. At least when I am around her, anyway.

And lastly, finally, Paige gets her 15 minutes of fame. This is her being all nature-show amongst the Black Eyed Susans. Check it:

I have many more of Paige to scrap, but I am saving them for another kit. Will be in scrappy paradise tonight, that's for sure!

On an OCD sidenote, I have demonstrated once again that I am utterly and completely hopeless. I purchased two new scrapbook kits because I just couldn't help myself. My wallet is about *thisclose* to staging a rebellion, I swear it. But click here and here for all the lusciousness you can handle. Well worth it, I'd say.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I'm sick. Blah. I have a major sinus thing going on, and it is so not cool to drip snot on yourself without even so much as a warning. Seriously. I'm all like talking and then oopsie. Soooo gross.

Anyhoo ...

Here are some layouts that I did this weekend. They are from the Cosmo Cricket Wanted line. Hope you likey:

My new tool? Why, it is a photo corner punch! I bought it last week, and I so love. It is like the bubble wrap of the scrapbooking world -- too irrestible to not play with. Getcha one!

Next layout is of Paige and her horse. Well, actually it is her uncle's horse, but that is only a technicality. Just ask her.

Dadgum. That paper looks like wood. Them Cosmo Cricket people are geniuses.

Alrighty, last layout is probably my fave. It showcases Autumn's fantastic horse riding skills. It reminds me of the time when my friend, Mindy, and I rode a horse that promptly stepped into a wasp's nest. Except I wasn't holding on for dear life like Autumn is in this pic. I was more freaking out in a flailing-arms kind of way. But whatev.

That is all my friends. I did three other layouts, but they were hideous. Sometimes, I swear I forget how to scrapbook.

Last night, however, I rocked the patterned paper like it was my bitch. My Scrapworks Citrus kit is so incredibly awesome and fall-licious. Just wait til you see.

Mmmm, k. It is about lunchtime, so I'm gonna scoot. I believe there will be some hardcore power napping in the car on the menu for me today. Weeeee! I get chills just thinking about it.

Monday, October 23, 2006

I survived.

But barely. Let me just say one thing -- I am so glad I do not have any other children that are about to turn 13. I may go prematurely grey. Or deaf.

Photo here is of Autumn and her friends who squished like sardines into my little SUV. There are two others that you cannot see. Yes, that's right, Autumn did the voodoo eyes on me once again and I somehow agreed to eight girls staying the night. Either that, or someone slipped a rufie in my Dr. Pepper.

It all turned out a success, however. Autumn managed a whopping $206 in bday money. Very impressive. So I've decided for my 33rd next year, I'm inviting all of Autumn's friends. They certainly know how to come through in the gift department. And after all, that's why we have birthdays, right?

And like any annoying mother, I followed Autumn around with the camera as much as possible. So fun. Here is a cute pic of Autumn and the boyfriend du jour. Can I just say how adorable this is? Makes me wanna be 13 again.


Anyhoo... the clock strikes 11 p.m. and sadly the party is just beginning. As a "cool mom," I am required to drive around town with 9 kids in the car, stereo this side of ear-splitting, windows rolled down in the 40-degree weather, and girls hanging out the moon roof.

Seriously. That is no joke.

However, there is a really good part. Saturday, about 2 p.m., Jerry and I dropped off the last of the girls. And then there was silence. Ahhhhh. It truly was spectacular.

On Sunday, I took Autumn to the mall so she could spend her money. In typical "like mother, like daughter" fashion, she dropped all $206 in less than an hour and a half. Oh yes. She's good.

Points about the day:

1) Autumn sooo enjoys a little 20-minute dance revue in front of dressing room mirrors.

2) Momma does not.

3) Autumn also enjoys buying the crappiest of crap, such as the tiny pink skull she got at Claire's. Seriously, I don't care that it gets 6,000 times bigger when it is dropped in a glass of water -- it will forever be cheap and retarded. And not very impressive. I can expand just as easily after eating a can of bean dip and a whole package of chocolate Hostess Donut Gems.

4) Thank god the Claire's clerk doesn't work on commission. You are welcome for the $1.50 sale. Go crazy, dude.

And finally, I know ya'll are dying to know. The answer is yes -- I scrapbooked this weekend. I will post layouts for you tomorrow. Today, I am too tired, my throat is sore, and I'm a bit peeved that my car ate my new Hinder CD. If any of you out there know tricks on how to get a CD out of a cranky player, please advise me.

Ta-ta, luvvies!

Friday, October 20, 2006

It's official...

...I am now the mother of a 13-year-old. Let the roller coaster begin.

So tonight there will be a fancy to-do at the bowling alley, as well as a big honkin' slumber party in which to drive momma over the OCD cliff. Seriously -- if it was possible to staple a carpet-sized Hefty bag to the floor, I would. I really do hate chip crumbs. I really, truly do.

I will be back Monday to report all the weekend's happenings as well as (hopefully) some really fabu layouts. I am having major scrapping withdrawls, and I'm pretty sure that THAT coupled with OCD Chip Crumb Psychosis (a real disease -- I looked it up) ...

(okay, I didn't really)

... causes a collapse in the creative process and quite possibly some neurological side effects such as a facial tic or a little Tourette's sneaking in the vocab. And we don't want that.


(That is Tourette's for "calm the freak down.")

On a sidenote, yesterday I went in for a wax job on my eyebrows because they were seriously like two hairy caterpillars that decided to take naps on my forehead. And apparently, there was some sort of miscommunication between the waxologist and me because now I look as if I'm about to say "Oh my god, my eyebrows are soooo pointy!" Erg.

Am I getting punished for something, I ask you? Why am I now forced to wear eyebrows that point directly into my hairline? WHY? Is it because Fat Chloe pooped in the laundry room and I left it there? Or because I put a dirty shirt in the clean clothes pile?


Til' Monday, ya'll.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Good ol' karma

So, the boss has been gone for the last two days, and what have I been doing to celebrate? Working my effing ass off, that's what. Always a fun time. The only good thing about it is ... well, I'll have to get back to you on that.

Other items in the news:

My darling daughter turns 13 tomorrow. Holy schnikies! Where has the time gone, I ask you? However, I do believe I'm gonna have a hot-headed teenager on my hands. My mother, I'm sure, is laughing laughing laughing, but seriously, I'm quite distraught. I don't want to deal with a bossy, bratty, spoiled, whiny child. Regardless of how I treated my own mother, I think this "paying for your raising" crap has got to go.

Yes, mother, go ahead, yuk it up some more. By all means, go all giggly on yourself. But just remember this -- I will be your caretaker when you are old and feebly. Mwahahahahahah.

Okay, I'll admit, I was sooooo not an ideal teenager. I was horrible and rebellious and rude and hateful. I feel very guilty about it. However, mom and I are the bestest of friends now. So see? It all worked out in the end.

Long story short, what I'm really trying to say is that karma sucks. Big time. Gahhhh!

Better news:

I got my last October kit in the mail today. Let the scrapping commence! So hopefully I will have some real beauties to show you next week. If I can find some peace amidst the billion teenage girls that are sleeping over on Friday, that is. We shall see.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Pet parade

Good morning, my peeps. Just dropping in to share a cute picture and a couple of layouts, all for YOU! Man, oh, man -- who loves you more than me?

Okay, first up is a layout I did in tribute to my dear Alex. It is rather simple because I didn't want to go all fancy on it and detract from the true subject -- my adorable cat. Hope you likey:

The title says "Miss U (already)" in case you can't see it very well. This photo was taken in early September. Alex was romping around outside and climbed on top of the tornado shelter. So cuuuute. Doesn't he just look like the king of world?

Okay, next up is of the family dog, Abby. She doesn't get too many layouts devoted to her and I feel kind of bad about that. I just know Abby complains about it to the other neighbor dogs. Maybe that is why she licks me even when I tell her not to -- as punishment for picking favorites. That vindictive little shrew!

(Whom I love so much.)

These two masterpieces were created with the Fancy Pants Free Spirit line and My Mind's Eye Bohemia. Dig it.

Now this photo has not been scrapbooked yet but I couldn't wait to share it with you anyway. This is Fat Chloe (which we call her behind her back) drinking Autumn's leftover milk. She couldn't stick her big melon in the mug, so she used her paw. Too funny!

Well, that's all the fun I have in me today, my friends. Gotta do some work (I guess). I have to plan a "cheap" trip to Mexico for Christmas/New Years for a customer. All I have to say about that is Mwahahahahahaha.

Have a rockin' day.

Monday, October 16, 2006

In Memoriam

My beautiful cat, Alex, died on Friday evening and my heart is just shattered. Ya'll know I loved that baby -- evident in how much I enjoyed taking his picture and making scrapbook pages for him. He truly was like a child to me. So beautiful and sweet and utterly adorable. I'm going to miss him.

Oh, what a bummer I am today. I bawled like a baby all weekend. Jerry looked at me like I was retarded, but as I've mentioned before, he is a robot and has no feelings. He didn't like Alex because he enjoyed peeing in the dining room. Well, whatev. Don't we all enjoy being a little rebellious from time to time?

But what good times we had! Alex loved to bite toes, especially ones that appeared right next to his head when he was hiding under the bed. Oh, that was always a fun surprise for me! Alex also enjoyed tormenting my other cat, Chloe. She was soooo not a fan of that game, but then again, Chloe doesn't like to be touched by anybody, even me. She may be a germaphobe. But then again, she may just be one heckuva kitty beeyotch. Meeee-yow, suckas.

But back to Alex. Oh, how I loved it when he'd give me kisses, and purr next to me on the couch. How I could put him in bed with me at midnight, and he'd stay there on my pillow until 6 in the morning. He was so precious, and so silly, and everything I've ever wanted in a cat. Ah, man. I'm gonna miss that little boy.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Happy Friday!

You know, although I just had a vacation day yesterday, there is still nothing like a Friday. Man, oh, man. I loves me some weekend.

Yesterday was nice and relaxing. I slept until 11:30 (also loves me some sleep -- apparently), then went to Joplin to see mom and go to a couple of scrapbook stores. A two-fer!

I bought me a bunch of new alpha sets. If you haven't picked up the Trademarks rub-ons from American Crafts, do so. You will likey. Then I got this super cool circle stamp by 7 Gypsies. It looks like a "seal of approval" and is so very very cool. Plus, to top the day off right, I got another kit in the mail. Weeee! I believe there will be scrapping to be had this weekend, ya'll.

Here are two layouts I did the other day with my Mosh Posh kit, A2Z Essentials Carefree line. Eat 'em up!

The above is Autumn and her pal, Breanna, playing board games. The little chipboard thingy with "A and B" on it was plain cardboard and then I got all crazy on it. I mixed my own acrylic paint and ever'thang. It's not like the best match in the world, but dang it if I don't care.

Okay, that is probably the most unflattering photo of me that has ever been taken. I believe it is all mom's fault -- lord knows I love her but she can't take pictures worth a crap. And we all know I'm one hot beeyotch in real life.


Other notes of craftiness: I added the word "my" using the American Crafts rub-ons I was mentioning earlier. Ahhhh, so love. And the little word scraps I glued around my photo were actually part of some patterned paper. I am way too handy with the scissors, I think. Hmmmm. Jerry, beware.

And lastly, my adorable cat, Alex. I love him so much. He just melts my heart. For reals, people.

Oh, and not to toot my own horn or anything, but the chipboard scrolls were, once again, painted by my very own hand. I am working on getting over my hatred of raw chipboard. It is such a hot item now, but it requires a lot of dressing up, and sometimes I just don't have it in me. But this time, my friends, I rocked it. I got my crafty on. Beep-beep.

Alrighty, have a fabu weekend, my lovelies. More good stuff Monday.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

And now...a layout

Man, oh, man. I LURVE scrapbooking. It is like the most awesome-est hobby ever. I can't get enough of it; it is my drug. (A healthy drug, however. An over-the-counter one.)

Let me take this opportunity to thank my darling daughter for getting me hooked. Yes, it was Autumn who had me DVR all the DIY Scrapbooking shows. It was Autumn who begged me to buy that cheapie 2000 piece kit from the commercial. And it was Autumn who huffed at me for stealing the kit from her and therefore destroying her own scrapbooking dreams. Love you, baby!


So, without further ado, I give you the most scrap-ically correct layout I've ever done:

Just dig how matchy-matchy it is. It is like we planned our outfits especially for this paper. Hahahahahah -- I'm almost that nerdy, but not quite. Yet.

The paper is courtesy of my good pal, Lorraine, who took pity on me and my little podunk scrapbook stores who did not stock this Deja Views Fresh Prints line. Me love-a you much, Lo Lo!

And for those who do not know, the photo is of little sister and I showing our brother how much we like him.

News for the future -- I received my Mosh Posh kit yesterday and scrapped four layouts last night. I pretty much forgoed food, tv, and interaction with people just so I could provide layouts for my peeps.

You're welcome.

So since I am taking another vacay day tomorrow (weeee!), I will post the layouts for you on Friday. Come on back!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

So the drama

Lemme just say one thing:

Having a teenage daughter is flippin' awesome! I never knew it could be so much fun living my life all over again. Weeeee!

Here's the skinny -- the short version, as I do not want to bore myself senseless writing a long, drawn out story. You, on the other hand, will be enthralled.

It was the school dance on Friday. Autumn went with her new boyfriend, Kip. At the end of the dance, she walked out with her ex-boyfriend, Kaleb.


I'm thinking it was one of two things. Either a) Kaleb was jealous because Autumn started going out with another boy and just couldn't handle it, or b) he got a load of this dress and it knocked sense back into himself. It was probably a mixture of the two, though. I mean, obviously.

After the dance, the girls went to the bowling alley (which is the 2006 junior-high version of dragging main). And here comes the annoying mama with the camera. So sorry.

But the fun didn't stop there. Next day was the Columbus Days festival. Jerry and I took the girls and sent them off with $10 and their freedom. Needless to say, I was trying very hard to keep the panic attack under control. It took all my willpower (and maybe a firm grip courtesy of the hub) to keep me from following them around.

One note about Jerry -- this man cannot go anywhere without seeing people he knows. We were on our way to the car after the festival, and I swear we stopped about 18 times to say hello. I'm like, excuse me, are you running for president or something? Get your move on.

But back to my point. Later in the afternoon, as a means of punishing myself for being such a dork of a mom, I decided I'd double our cell phone bill just for kicks. Purchased the girls some new camera flip-phones from U.S. Cellular because I love them and want them to think I am the coolest person ever. Yes, it is obvious I don't do guilt very well. Eh. Whatev.

I will tell you this, however: I will be sooooooo over it by the time the $150 bill comes in the mail. And it will be too late. Ger.

On a side note, today's ewwwwwww factor is currently 99.95% and rising. I took a potty break, and who came out of the women's restroom, you ask? The dirty old man from across the hall, that's who. And so now I'm pretty sure it was his pee I sat on last week. Oh dear god. I'll take Big Gigantic Tetanus Shot for $500, Alex.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Boy trouble

Ahhhh, the joys of having a teenage daughter. Here are the events of the past couple of days:

First and foremost, Autumn's boyfriend of 3 1/2 weeks (practically a lifetime for a 12 year old) broke up with her. We knew it was coming. Or at least I did because I have that mommy's intuition thing going on. Also because I am extremely all up in Autumn's business. She hates it, but I can't stop myself.

Anyhoo, here's how I knew:

Last Friday at the football game, Kaleb had asked Autumn if she was going to give him a kiss. And poor Autumn thought he was joking. Oops. I had forgotten to mention to her that anytime a boy asks for a kiss or anything make-out related, he is sooooo not joking. Ever.

So Autumn tells him she didn't know, and then Kaleb proceeded to laugh it off then act weird for the rest of the night. Which then quickly mozied onto not calling her back when he said he would, ignoring her at school on Tuesday, then telling people he didn't know if he liked her as much as he used to.

On Wednesday, Kaleb calls her and asks her if she was going to the dance on Friday (tonight). And about half an hour later, Autumn's friend, Sierra, called her and said he wanted to break up. Well, what in sam-holy-hell was the point in that?!


Surprisingly, however, I believe I was more heartbroken than Autumn. I mean, this dude is a cutie! But Autumn just brushed it off and maintained her zen-like attitude of whatever. Bravo -- never let 'em see you cry, I always say.

And then she did the ultimate payback. Yesterday at school, Autumn started dating the most popular boy in her class. Heheh. Way to make her momma proud. And her ex-boyfriend jealous. Oh man, I get giddy just thinking about it. Lalalalalalalalalala!

Alright, I really need to stop it. I sometimes forget I'm not a 12-year-old girl anymore. It's just I can't help but be nosy when it comes to my daughter. I'm trying not to butt in, but who am I kidding -- I'm simply made to the be mother of a teenager. It's what I'm good at. Autumn may disagree, but seriously, she doesn't know what I know. (Which is everything, in case you were wondering.)

(And you were.)

Throughout this whole Kaleb ordeal, I've tried to give her advice. She's not much for listening to what I have to say, but whatev. Momma's gonna keep talking anyway. Cuz that's how I do.

Okay, no more talky talky. I just plain exhausted myself. I will be back on Tuesday for more blogging. I'm taking a litte vacay on Monday (weee!), so perhaps I will have some interesting scoop for you as well.

Later, my luvvies.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hump Day treat

No, not that.

I have layouts for you! Just two, but I do lurve them so. They were created with the Little Red Scrapbook kit, A2Z Essentials Bountiful line. Getcha an eyeful below:

I think I may need to add a little bit more stuff in the lower left corner to balance out the stuff on the right side. But that is just my left-brain talking.

Shut up, left-brain.

I think I'd rather be creative and let things land where they may. If I feel like sticking a bunch of crap on one side of the paper and let the other side just bare nakey in the wind, so be it, right? That's why me and my right-brain are best friends. It keeps me from thinking I am not normal.

One thing I learned in scrapbooking school (haha, there is no such thing) was that you can create little mini areas to house special things. So take note of my three circles that each include little bits inside. Also, my three circles create a visual triangle that lead the eye directly to my photo. And since the photo is overlapping several pieces of paper instead of "floating", it is grounded and well-balanced.

Blah blah blah. There went the left-brain again.

Okay, enough of this. As a REAL Hump Day treat, I would like to remind you of the lovely Mario Lopez on Dancing With the Stars. How hot is that man? I swear, I'd crawl up inside his dimples and camp out there if I could. Yum.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Afternoon small talk

This is the grossest story ever. Do you want to hear it?

(By the way, the answer to that question is always yes.)

So I'm taking a potty break at work. And I'll admit I wasn't paying attention, but I rarely do. I mean, who does, really? Anyhoo...

I'm on my way down, naked skin just about to touch the toilet seat, when I happen to glance down and see someone else's FRICKIN' pee on the damn seat! WTF? And too late, I had the momentum going and couldn't stop myself from sitting right down on top of it.


Excuse me ... I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

My question is -- how can a girl leave pee-pee on a toilet seat? Seriously, just how big does that hole need to be?

I suppose that is my punishment for being a bad blogger. Someone put the voodoo curse on me, mayhaps? You evil devils.

(Whom I love so very very much.)



Where the hell have I been?

You won't believe how busy I've managed to keep myself these last few days. But no more! I've made it against my morals to be so busy ever again. All for the love of my peeps. Awwwwww.

First of all, I want to give a big birthday shout-out to my little sis who turned the big 17 yesterday. Holy schnikies! That's only one more year til' Playboy, so ya'll stay tuned.

And now for a dose of jealousy:

Eh. Katy has officially one-upped me in the technology department. Damn her. However, it is a rather cute litte Ipod. That's a great lot of hot pink luscious-ness right there. Me loves!

And because I feel I need to put more of myself into this blog, I give you this:

If you look closely you can see my boob. Hmmm.

Anyhoo... for those that don't know, that is me and my little sis and bro. Aren't we a hot group of kids? I think yes.

And if you can get past that big fleshy right arm of mine, I might even be able to snag myself a li'l boyfriend on the side.

Lastly, I post this picture because I feel like getting all blubbery and gaa-gaa inside. Isn't this just the sweetest thing ever?

Roll on December! That baby can't get here fast enough for me! So, Hannah, if you are reading this, see what you can do about that, will ya? I need to be a full-blood aunt like right now.

Okay, I have about 6 new layouts that I added at Two Peas. I am being uber lazy right now and just don't have it in me to post them on here. So sorry.

Back to work and being busy. Ger. My morals are feeling very violated right about now.