So the drama

Having a teenage daughter is flippin' awesome! I never knew it could be so much fun living my life all over again. Weeeee!
Here's the skinny -- the short version, as I do not want to bore myself senseless writing a long, drawn out story. You, on the other hand, will be enthralled.
It was the school dance on Friday. Autumn went with her new boyfriend, Kip. At the end of the dance, she walked out with her ex-boyfriend, Kaleb.
I'm thinking it was one of two things. Either a) Kaleb was jealous because Autumn started going out with another boy and just couldn't handle it, or b) he got a load of this dress and it knocked sense back into himself. It was probably a mixture of the two, though. I mean, obviously.

But the fun didn't stop there. Next day was the Columbus Days festival. Jerry and I took the girls and sent them off with $10 and their freedom. Needless to say, I was trying very hard to keep the panic attack under control. It took all my willpower (and maybe a firm grip courtesy of the hub) to keep me from following them around.
One note about Jerry -- this man cannot go anywhere without seeing people he knows. We were on our way to the car after the festival, and I swear we stopped about 18 times to say hello. I'm like, excuse me, are you running for president or something? Get your move on.
But back to my point. Later in the afternoon, as a means of punishing myself for being such a dork of a mom, I decided I'd double our cell phone bill just for kicks. Purchased the girls some new camera flip-phones from U.S. Cellular because I love them and want them to think I am the coolest person ever. Yes, it is obvious I don't do guilt very well. Eh. Whatev.
I will tell you this, however: I will be sooooooo over it by the time the $150 bill comes in the mail. And it will be too late. Ger.
On a side note, today's ewwwwwww factor is currently 99.95% and rising. I took a potty break, and who came out of the women's restroom, you ask? The dirty old man from across the hall, that's who. And so now I'm pretty sure it was his pee I sat on last week. Oh dear god. I'll take Big Gigantic Tetanus Shot for $500, Alex.
i have to say dianna that your daughter looks very cute in her dress however that dress would have been a 'return to the store without any stopping for a 2nd look once mom saw it' in the house of lorraine petrini growing up. haha! my mom was strict...i would love to see the things she returned now b/c i am SURE they were tame compared to now. funny.
i love that you take pics....your dau will love them when she is older. i have none of my friends from HS. well if i do, very few.
your last line here cracked me up.
hey why are some of hte girls in ripped jeans and your daughter is dressed to the nines??? hahah!!! i guess she really DID want that bf back!
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