I survived.

Photo here is of Autumn and her friends who squished like sardines into my little SUV. There are two others that you cannot see. Yes, that's right, Autumn did the voodoo eyes on me once again and I somehow agreed to eight girls staying the night. Either that, or someone slipped a rufie in my Dr. Pepper.
It all turned out a success, however. Autumn managed a whopping $206 in bday money. Very impressive. So I've decided for my 33rd next year, I'm inviting all of Autumn's friends. They certainly know how to come through in the gift department. And after all, that's why we have birthdays, right?

And like any annoying mother, I followed Autumn around with the camera as much as possible. So fun. Here is a cute pic of Autumn and the boyfriend du jour. Can I just say how adorable this is? Makes me wanna be 13 again.
Anyhoo... the clock strikes 11 p.m. and sadly the party is just beginning. As a "cool mom," I am required to drive around town with 9 kids in the car, stereo this side of ear-splitting, windows rolled down in the 40-degree weather, and girls hanging out the moon roof.
Seriously. That is no joke.
However, there is a really good part. Saturday, about 2 p.m., Jerry and I dropped off the last of the girls. And then there was silence. Ahhhhh. It truly was spectacular.
On Sunday, I took Autumn to the mall so she could spend her money. In typical "like mother, like daughter" fashion, she dropped all $206 in less than an hour and a half. Oh yes. She's good.
Points about the day:
1) Autumn sooo enjoys a little 20-minute dance revue in front of dressing room mirrors.
2) Momma does not.
3) Autumn also enjoys buying the crappiest of crap, such as the tiny pink skull she got at Claire's. Seriously, I don't care that it gets 6,000 times bigger when it is dropped in a glass of water -- it will forever be cheap and retarded. And not very impressive. I can expand just as easily after eating a can of bean dip and a whole package of chocolate Hostess Donut Gems.
4) Thank god the Claire's clerk doesn't work on commission. You are welcome for the $1.50 sale. Go crazy, dude.
And finally, I know ya'll are dying to know. The answer is yes -- I scrapbooked this weekend. I will post layouts for you tomorrow. Today, I am too tired, my throat is sore, and I'm a bit peeved that my car ate my new Hinder CD. If any of you out there know tricks on how to get a CD out of a cranky player, please advise me.
Ta-ta, luvvies!
the best comment of the day: I can expand just as easily after eating a can of bean dip and a whole package of chocolate Hostess Donut Gems.
. you are too funny dianna.
this is what i do when my cd player in car eats cds. i put another one in there. obviously not a favorite in case it doesnt come out. it may not go in, the 2nd cd so you have to try hard and keep hitting the eject button. that sometimes get teh first cd and 2nd one if in there to come out. good luck.
can you help ME. andrew pressed something on tv remote and now cable box is no longer working. the tv remote works and will allow me to go up and down the cable channels, up to 72 but i cant get the 100's or on demand (where 'bob the builder lives'---ummm this is bad for aj). they are coming tomorrow but if they find not a 'cable box issue', which who knows if it is or not, i get to PAY $22. great.
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