It's Me. The End.

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Boy trouble

Ahhhh, the joys of having a teenage daughter. Here are the events of the past couple of days:

First and foremost, Autumn's boyfriend of 3 1/2 weeks (practically a lifetime for a 12 year old) broke up with her. We knew it was coming. Or at least I did because I have that mommy's intuition thing going on. Also because I am extremely all up in Autumn's business. She hates it, but I can't stop myself.

Anyhoo, here's how I knew:

Last Friday at the football game, Kaleb had asked Autumn if she was going to give him a kiss. And poor Autumn thought he was joking. Oops. I had forgotten to mention to her that anytime a boy asks for a kiss or anything make-out related, he is sooooo not joking. Ever.

So Autumn tells him she didn't know, and then Kaleb proceeded to laugh it off then act weird for the rest of the night. Which then quickly mozied onto not calling her back when he said he would, ignoring her at school on Tuesday, then telling people he didn't know if he liked her as much as he used to.

On Wednesday, Kaleb calls her and asks her if she was going to the dance on Friday (tonight). And about half an hour later, Autumn's friend, Sierra, called her and said he wanted to break up. Well, what in sam-holy-hell was the point in that?!


Surprisingly, however, I believe I was more heartbroken than Autumn. I mean, this dude is a cutie! But Autumn just brushed it off and maintained her zen-like attitude of whatever. Bravo -- never let 'em see you cry, I always say.

And then she did the ultimate payback. Yesterday at school, Autumn started dating the most popular boy in her class. Heheh. Way to make her momma proud. And her ex-boyfriend jealous. Oh man, I get giddy just thinking about it. Lalalalalalalalalala!

Alright, I really need to stop it. I sometimes forget I'm not a 12-year-old girl anymore. It's just I can't help but be nosy when it comes to my daughter. I'm trying not to butt in, but who am I kidding -- I'm simply made to the be mother of a teenager. It's what I'm good at. Autumn may disagree, but seriously, she doesn't know what I know. (Which is everything, in case you were wondering.)

(And you were.)

Throughout this whole Kaleb ordeal, I've tried to give her advice. She's not much for listening to what I have to say, but whatev. Momma's gonna keep talking anyway. Cuz that's how I do.

Okay, no more talky talky. I just plain exhausted myself. I will be back on Tuesday for more blogging. I'm taking a litte vacay on Monday (weee!), so perhaps I will have some interesting scoop for you as well.

Later, my luvvies.


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