Let the darkness commence
Man, oh, man. Do I hate the end of Daylight Savings Time. I have officially been plunged into darkness. Blech.
The only upside is that it is nice and bright at 7 a.m. and therefore helps me wake up a bit.
Who am I kidding? I'm still dead to the world, no matter how sunshine-y it is outside. That is my nature, ya'll. Me + anytime before 10 a.m. = one crabby beeyotch. I've learned to accept it.
Now for something uplifting to focus on -- I give you a trio of beauties. Behold:

Anyhoo...the paper is KI Memories Grateful line. It is meant for Thanksgiving photos, but I spit in the face of conformity. Pffft.
The above photo is the newly svelte Paige. Actually she's shed about 10 more pounds since this piccie was taken. Very happy for her. Not so much for me, as I am now officially the biggest chic in the house. Ger.
Okay, next up is a layout of my daughter and one of her friends, Breanna, acting their usual goofy selves. You can't tell in the photos, but they each have nice red hickies on their chins. Yep, they did an experiment -- what would happen if they squeezed the lifeblood out of their chins nonstop for about 15 minutes. A hickey, that's what. Good job, girls.
A note on the above -- see those lovely yellow swirls? Thems raw chipboard that I painted with my own two hands. I rocked the chipboard like it was my damn job. Weeeee!
Last layout is another fabu display of chipboard stylins. All the brown bits -- they be it. I'm slowly working my way out of the funk, my friends. Usually raw chipboard irritates the crap out of me. I'm a lazy scrapper, ya know, and just don't feel like doing any of my own decorating. However, I'm kind of getting into it now. Especially if I keep churning out awesomeness such as this: Well, I've had a great time today patting myself on the back. Thanks for hanging out. I'm hoping for some more groovy stuff tomorrow. I got two pretty kits in the mail today (which is how I prefer to start out Mondays), so maybe I will get a chance to whip out some more masterpieces.
nice layouts, my friend! i just did one today as well from stampin up's friend and flower kit that i got for being a 'hostess'. i LOVE LOVE LOVE it. i have already taken a pic of it to send along soon.
andrew and patrick will be dressed up for the 3rd time for halloween tomorrow! fun! cant wait!
i assume your kids no longer go right? or do they?
and great job paige for losing weight. that is awesome. how did she do it?
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