It's Me. The End.

Welcome to my bloggy blog. It's my new crush.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Afternoon small talk

This is the grossest story ever. Do you want to hear it?

(By the way, the answer to that question is always yes.)

So I'm taking a potty break at work. And I'll admit I wasn't paying attention, but I rarely do. I mean, who does, really? Anyhoo...

I'm on my way down, naked skin just about to touch the toilet seat, when I happen to glance down and see someone else's FRICKIN' pee on the damn seat! WTF? And too late, I had the momentum going and couldn't stop myself from sitting right down on top of it.


Excuse me ... I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

My question is -- how can a girl leave pee-pee on a toilet seat? Seriously, just how big does that hole need to be?

I suppose that is my punishment for being a bad blogger. Someone put the voodoo curse on me, mayhaps? You evil devils.

(Whom I love so very very much.)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was me...bad karma for not visiting the sick and handicapped...

12:23 PM  

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