I am boring...
...and not a very good blogger today. I am almost certain this post will have nothing by way of entertainment, education or interest in it whatsoever. So let that be a warning to you if you choose to proceed.
(And you do.)
Current state:
1. Eating a chocolate caramel candy bar that the paper boy sold to me.
2. Swigging down a bottled water that I've been drinking on since last night. I figure day-old water is a billion times more healthy than the latte I've been craving since lunch time. But then again, maybe the candy bar has cancelled that out.
Hrmphf. Whatev.
3. Corresponding with my beau on Myspace. Did I tell you I got that back? Yeah, apparently high tech firewall equipment and our archaic invoice printers are no likeee. Hahahaha! So because my boss would rather have travel itineraries print out for our customers instead of keep me from giving the whole universe a virus (of the computer kind, to make that clear), I am now officially back on Myspace duty. Trust me, you have no idea what this does to my office morale.
Oh my gawd. I'm about 2 keystrokes shy of pocket protector. Good gravy.
4. Still harboring Dorito crumbs inside my fake fingernail. And maybe some mold.
But hey! Guess what happens starting September 24? None other than the beginning of ABC premiere week! I so excite! There's nothing I want to see more than Wayne Newton and Marie Osmond duking it out for the Dancing With the Stars crown. And then, of course, The Bachelor is back to pick the girl of his dreams that he won't marry. Although I saw a teaser that said we won't believe how the show ends. I'm intrigued ... simply because I don't see how anything else could happen other than him admitting he is gay.
Alrighty, I'm off. But I will leave you with this:

You may have to click on it to make it bigger, but Brad is wrestling an anaconda out in the jungle. Or a plastic snake glued to the top of a fake rock at the zoo. Your choice.
And the boy in the corner ... that is either Brad's son, Jordan, or a funny little Asian head I found online and photoshopped onto the picture for laughs.
You are insane.
Also, if you splash a little water under your nails, you can slurp it out and pretend it is gazpacho soup or something, then you will not need lunch! Maybe a paramedic or two, but certainly not lunch!
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