I like it spicy
Thought I'd shake things up a bit in here and not show up to post anything yesterday. Keeps it all fresh and exciting, I think.
Ok. Actually, I was just very busy goofing off. It takes a lot of time to do that, ya know? Well, if you do it properly, that is. I've been trying to win a phone off Ebay cuz my darling beau gave me some early birfday money so I can replace the hideous Audiovox from hell. It's not going so good ... all the phones I want are super expensive. And I'm like, wtf? You are a phone, you are not a mother effing tiara ... be cheap like you are supposed to! Man, I hate it when stuff can't play by the rules.
(Wow. I about cussed in there. So, you know I mean business then. Heh.)
But I have bid on a loverly pink RAZR. And I am not telling you anything other than that, cause I know someone in here's gonnna think it be funny to outbid me for kicks. Trust me when I say this: Not Funny. It is so Not Funny, it gets capital letters. Also, there might be a little karate choppin' to the throat. Your throat; not mine.
But back to the point of this post. Which is my ever-lovin' birthday, ya'll! So you have about two days to arrange your gifts. Thanks.
Now for some parting words ... I am the best scrapbooker on the planet. Serious, if you don't believe me, just look:

Ka-yoooot! The top one is Cherry Arte Cosmic Energy line, and I effing cut out all those stars like it was my damn job! Very painstakingly, I might add. The black wavy strip on paper on there is my take on the Milky Way. Which really has nothing to do with my daughter in a mud fight. But it's dang adorable, so whatev.
Bottom one is Fancy Pants Floral Chic line. The big brown flourish-y thing was hand painted by me. I hardly ever get out my paints, so eat this one up, peoples! And while you are at it, click on the picture to make it big so you can see all the sweet little details I added. You will likeeee.
(Yes, you will. Cuz why again? ..... That's right.)
Alrighty. I just got about 893736487 emails for travel requests. Gah! It's Tuesday ... National Goof Off Day (I think. Or else I made that up.) What is wrong with America, making me work on a holiday?