My obsession is BAAAACK.
And Brad should beware. Cuz basically if he sticks with me, I'm using all his money to buy my scrap supplies.
Just sayin'.
I am super happy to say that I have been scrapping so much more lately, and have even re-joined one of my kit clubs because ... well, mostly cuz I like getting packages in the mail. (Seriously, you can send me anything and I will like it. Unless it explodes. That's not so fun.)
But the other reason why I re-joined is because quite simply ... I LIKE PAPER. I like the colors, the textures, the varieties, the newness, the cleanliness of it. I like the prospect of what I can turn it into. Granted, sometimes I turn it into a 8 1/2 x 11 piece of crap, but for the most part I like the creating process. So in order to create, I need paper. And the quickest, most hassle-free way for me to get it is to sit on my lazy ass and have them bring it to me.
Here are two layouts I made earlier this week. Hope you likeeee:
First up is some paper by American Crafts, with a ho ho bunch of other stuff on it. Like Bazzill flowers, Heidi Grace pins, 7 Gypsies stickers, and Creative Imaginations rub-ons. I had waaaaaay too much fun with this page. But lookie how pretty!

And now this last layout is a little less "stuffed" but I love how matchy matchy the paper and photo is. You can't tell much, but Bryan's shirt is navy with bit of red on it, and Hannah's shirt is dark purple. I know. And if I could be any more genius, I'd swear they'd be saving me a seat down at the NASA.

So the paper line is Daisy D's and the stickers and rub-ons are by Creative Imaginations. Oh, and photo frame by Hambly.
And all you non-scrapper's are most likely taking a snooze right now. So sorry. I promise I will soon have a pointless, rambling post all for YOU. Wait for it.
That's all for now. Off to enjoy my cranberry Dr. Pepper and get all giddy-like while waiting for lunch. Not for eating, mind you (cuz eating is over-rated), but for the napping that will ensue. Yesssss.
Which kit did you rejoin and did you know that Coordinates now offers a BOmB kit!? I'm jus rid of that effin if your dusty ass gets spam...
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