It's Me. The End.

Welcome to my bloggy blog. It's my new crush.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

My obsession is BAAAACK.

And Brad should beware. Cuz basically if he sticks with me, I'm using all his money to buy my scrap supplies.

Just sayin'.

I am super happy to say that I have been scrapping so much more lately, and have even re-joined one of my kit clubs because ... well, mostly cuz I like getting packages in the mail. (Seriously, you can send me anything and I will like it. Unless it explodes. That's not so fun.)

But the other reason why I re-joined is because quite simply ... I LIKE PAPER. I like the colors, the textures, the varieties, the newness, the cleanliness of it. I like the prospect of what I can turn it into. Granted, sometimes I turn it into a 8 1/2 x 11 piece of crap, but for the most part I like the creating process. So in order to create, I need paper. And the quickest, most hassle-free way for me to get it is to sit on my lazy ass and have them bring it to me.

Here are two layouts I made earlier this week. Hope you likeeee:

First up is some paper by American Crafts, with a ho ho bunch of other stuff on it. Like Bazzill flowers, Heidi Grace pins, 7 Gypsies stickers, and Creative Imaginations rub-ons. I had waaaaaay too much fun with this page. But lookie how pretty!

And now this last layout is a little less "stuffed" but I love how matchy matchy the paper and photo is. You can't tell much, but Bryan's shirt is navy with bit of red on it, and Hannah's shirt is dark purple. I know. And if I could be any more genius, I'd swear they'd be saving me a seat down at the NASA.

So the paper line is Daisy D's and the stickers and rub-ons are by Creative Imaginations. Oh, and photo frame by Hambly.

And all you non-scrapper's are most likely taking a snooze right now. So sorry. I promise I will soon have a pointless, rambling post all for YOU. Wait for it.

That's all for now. Off to enjoy my cranberry Dr. Pepper and get all giddy-like while waiting for lunch. Not for eating, mind you (cuz eating is over-rated), but for the napping that will ensue. Yesssss.


Blogger Gina said...

Which kit did you rejoin and did you know that Coordinates now offers a BOmB kit!? I'm jus rid of that effin if your dusty ass gets spam...

12:16 PM  

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