It's Me. The End.

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Friday, August 24, 2007

We be's tourists!

So this past weekend, Brad and I took the kids to Fantastic Caverns in Springfield, MO. It is a ride-thru cave that was first discovered back in 1862 by a farmer's dog when it crawled through it's entrance. However, it took 12 more years before anyone was brave enough to explore it's insides. Those first explorers ...

.... Okay, so I lost you, didn't I?

Well anyway.

The cave was a hit. The boys had a lot of fun. It was entertaining while having lots of educational value. Especially the part where the tour guide turned out all the lights so we could experience what they call "natural cave light." It is basically a big, black bit of can't-see-my-hand-2-centimeters-in-front-of-my-face. But it is also known as a "great time to make out in front of a tram-load of people and them not even know it."

But we wouldn't know a thing about that.


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