Crappy Scrappy

I did this one on my lunch break, so perhaps my mind was concentrating more on the Lean Cuisine in the microwave than on this layout. I mean, come on peoples ... it was effing Enchilada Suiza! Heheh. Now do you see?
So for those that care, the paper line is My Mind's Eye Tres Jolie. So pretty when it is all whole and not used up on this little waste of time right here. Eh. I just depressed myself.
Okay, I will make new stuff tonight. I had an epiphany today while thinking about my scrapping monstrocity (see photo, above), and if it comes out on paper like I see it in my head ... well ... quite simply: watch your drool.
Have a good evening ya'll. I've got to go sling some DVDs at the video store tonight, so it'll be a long one for me. Back tomorrow with some hopefully groovier things to say and show.
I actually like this one...What size is it? I've developed a habit of cutting out the back of the paper and saving it rather than wasting it behind may be some ocd related shit... i dunno. :)
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