...you thought you'd pop into the blog yesterday and see a li'l something new and exciting. Well, toooooo bad. I was way busy yesterday, and just couldn't make it in. So sorry.
But I had a really, really good excuse. It was my boss's birthday, and she had a little hankerin' for free casino money. I have no clue where she got this idea from. Certainly,
I've never done anything like that.
So at lunchtime, we go to three different casinos. We had the best time. I think it was extra special, not because it was major bonding time between me and the boss, but because we were freakin' gamblin' in a casino during working hours. Oh such rebels are we. Yessss.
Here is what I've bought so far with the extra money on my paycheck:
1) Paid the car bill. I don't really count this, but if I hadn't gotten the extra money, who knows how these people would have gotten paid. I guess I could have shown them some leg or something. That
did get me a brand new tire for $35 earlier last month. Ah well.
2) Paid my brother-in-law off for the dryer he bought us with his super deep discount at Lowe's. Man, it pays to have connections.
3) Paid Jerry's parents some of the money we owe them. Mind you, I said
some. That may seem a little
wrong to some people. But suck it. They can't have all my free money. There's some other, more important items to take care of first.
4) Such as the 6 month pre-paid subscription to yet another scrapbook kit company. I seriously needed this. You know I did. And for those who care, it was
Sassacraft because their kits are dang cheap. $19 per month INCLUDING shipping. Helloooo?! That's practically free.
5) And in that same vein, I bought some photo editing software because I
think I
might wanna do some fancy effects with my piccies someday. Not 100% sure. But
if the time comes and I feel like doing it, I have the software.
Yes, a total impulse buy. But whatev.
6) A little Grey's Anatomy love, peoples! Had to have season 2 -- uncut and all. Hoping for a few nudey shots of my boyfriend, Patrick Dempsey. I mean, why else buy it? Certainly not for the threesome dream sequence of Meredith, Izzy and Christina in the shower. However, Jerry may beg to differ.
7) A whole 90-day supply of crazy meds. Weeeee! For some oddball reason, my insurance decided I'm going to have to work hard to get my medicine from now on, and actually mail in my request instead of leisurely popping into the pharmacy on my way home from work.
Excuse me?! How retarded is it to make an anxious person with OCD freakin' mail in a prescription? Don't these people know that all I've been doing since I sent it off is worry myself crazy (ha!) that my paperwork got lost in the mail, and they can't fill my prescription, and then I will be without medicine for weeks, and then I will go all jittery and vertigo-y, and then most likely hyperventilate a li'l?
But I digress. I saw on my bank statement online today that my prescription was billed to my account. Now I can breath a sigh of relief. The craziness has been diverted -- for now at least.
8) Lastly, I made a nice little book order today. For books that will probably sit on my bookshelf and gather dust for a couple of years with all the rest of them. Seriously. Ask my husband. He reminds me all the time.
There will be lots more gift items to come. A whole weekend ahead for shopping opportunities. I will keep you informed.
Back on Monday. Tootle-loos!