It's Me. The End.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Where the heck have I been?

Shopping, that's where! Omg, there was some serious shopping to be had this weekend, my friends. I love free money!

On Saturday, I went by myself because there was no way in hell I was going to take Jerry with me so he could mope around the scrapbook store asking me if we can leave yet. Ummmm, no.

I picked up a larger square punch than the one I bought a couple weeks ago, as well as some velvet sayings (birthday theme), some new black ink, some acrylic ghost flowers by Heidi Swapp, an idea book (because -- GASP! -- I found one I hadn't already bid for on Ebay), and some black and white cardstock. Oh, and the best part -- I picked up 2 white Uniball Signo pens that miss Elsie Flannigan made famous. They were freakin' $4.99 a piece, though. Dang. I think that qualifies me as bonafide stalker right there.

Now for the clothes. I hate buying clothes for myself. I don't have fun anymore. Everything I try on looks so hideous on me. Plus, what the ef is wrong with the jeans in the Juniors Department?! We all aren't skinny-legged, tiny-assed people, ya know? And hells bells if I'm buying my clothes in the Misses. They sell high-waisted mom jeans over there. Nice.


I did finally find me some schtuff. I went to Tar-shay and got me two pairs of Mossimo pants, one grey and one brown pin-striped. So loverly. Got me a pair of Levi's that fit so awesome and were actually a size smaller than I normally buy. Go me!! Then I looked at the tag -- freakin' Misses! Oh good lord. I've crossed over to the dark side. Where's the soccer mom sign ups again?

Sunday, I fared much better. Mom, Katy and I went to Springfield (home of Elsie Flannigan ... but I digress) to the Battlefield Mall. Katy was looking for a homecoming dress, and I was just wanting to spend some more money. Weeeee!

Got to the mall when it opened at noon, and then we freakin' closed the joint down, man! So diehard.

Picked up for myself two more pairs of pants -- from the Juniors, no less -- as well as some really groovy shoes and a nice dressy shirt to go with the brown pants from Saturday's trip. Add that up with the food court Chinese food, the mid-afternoon brownie snack, and the naked-men posters at Abercrombie & Fitch, and I'd say it was a damn good day.

Bring on the fashion show.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you reminded me that i need new jeans too! i went to kohls on sun without the kids; that was sooooo nice. got some bras. oh boy. but there was serious trying on there but found some. but jeans...cant find any i like. i am with you, hate the high waisted but usually jrs dont fit me or they are wacky, way too ripped so they will be destroyed shortly (and hey i am not paying big bucks for jeans that arent going to last many washes!).
glad you found goodies!

1:13 PM  

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