All new stuff
Good afternoon, my peeps! Hope everyone is doing well today. Me ... well, it's Monday and I'm still driving that gigantic car. So that's pretty much it in a nutshell.
Here is some stuff about the weekend:
1) I did not read my book at all. I am shocked at myself. I haven't done this since November 2000. I think Hell must've frozen over or something.
2) I scrapbooked like a crazy lady. Or like a crazy lady who just so happens to scrapbook. Either way. Here is a layout for you:

3) I set my DVR to overtime. I am soooooo excited for all the new shows this season! Here is what I'm gonna watch:
a) Men in Trees -- new show with Anne Heche. And men in trees. Sounds luscious!
b) Dancing With the Stars -- I have not watched this show ever, but it was a big hit before, and oh how I love to jump on bandwagons. Plus, seeing Joey Lawrence from Blossom and Jerry Springer doin' the tango is just way to much temptation to pass up.
c) Ugly Betty -- I have no idea what this show is about, but the title alone is enough to get my attention. I will keep you posted.
Of course, these shows are in addition to what I already enjoy watching, which include Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, The Bachelor, American Idol, etc.
Okay, so what I'm basically saying is that if you need me, you can reach me at 1-800-FAT-ASS, extention Big Comfy Couch. I'm available 24/7.
4) You won't believe this right here. My daughter has got to be the most creative person I know. She called me at work and said she needed duct tape "right away" for "school." I was a little suspicious because that is like saying you need a hammer for a day at the library or something. But whatev. It is just easier to get the damn duct tape instead of trying to argue with a 12-year-old.
Turns out, I was right all along. Autumn just wanted to make stuff. But look at this display of craftitude:

5) News on the Kia -- apparently there is a big, honkin' whole in the antifreeze juggy thing. Well, no crap. Could that be why the water went in the jug and then right back out onto the ground? I dunno. I may have to check with the engineers on this one....
And would you believe a new jug costs 300-effen-dollars? Why for? It is plastic and hooks up by one hose and 2 bolts -- I could have my daughter make one out of duct tape, that's how fancy these things are. I believe there might be some high holy hell to raise.
No more talky now. My hands are all carpal-tunneling and I need to save my strength for some serious Ebay-ing. Catch ya'll tomorrow. Peace.
your daughter is on her way to doing her prom dress from duct tape liek your idol elsie....
i just sent you some pics of my kiddies and yes you have to look at them every time i send them to you. why you ask. b/c i am a faithful reader of your blog.
I want a duct tape bag! With pockets for scrapping!!! Is she taking orders?
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