Flower children
You know, it is starting to look quite lovely this fall. All up and down our street there are these gorgeous Black-eyed Susans in bloom. Of course, I'm almost sure they are just weeds (or are they?), but dang they's purty.
Anyway, I took the kids out this past weekend and made them pose for me. Autumn was in her usual almost-13 cranky-ass mood, so I barely got a smile out of her. In fact, I didn't even get any great artsy shots. She was like grimacing and crossing her arms and eating a Tootsie-Pop while I was trying to pose her. I'm all, gimme that dang thing, you aren't two!
So this is my reward:

Paige, however, fared much better. She was just a regular little model. I am very happy with these. See:

And you would be right in thinking my brain is already cooking up something special for these babies. They don't call it a one-track Scrapbook Train for nothing.
(Alright, no one calls it that except me. Whatev.)
Gonna scoot now. Work beckons. But before I go, a little reminder to everyone to watch Ugly Betty tonight on ABC. It is sure to be a hoot.
i hope to watch ugly betty tonight too but i have my nyobc so i am taking all my goodie scrap pages to show off. also taking my scrap resume for barb to drop off at her company. keep your fingers crossed. did i say pay isnt great; less than i thought; their high end was not even on my low end. ugh. we will see. but maybe can work part time and it is only 15 min from home and this would be great full time place for when kids are in school, first grade (well moms hours)
also take scowl pics and scrap those. they will be mad at years to come. haha! funny. my sister at 13-18 only gave crap faces. she was such a puss. but my mom took them anyway and now, well doesnt pam have not so fun pics to look at. ha! but i scrapped a whole page about andrew while crying, etc. haha! i am a mean mom.
long post, bye!
Lepf...why don't you leave a link? It is not as if there are more folks than you and I visiting Princess Dianna...LOL! D' where are the new CC layouts? HELLO!? SURGERY IS MONDAY!!!
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