A party is lurking...
I'm psyching myself out for the big birthday soiree this evening. No, it's not a party for big people -- it's for Paige and a bunch of 13 and 14 year old girls. Oh. Dear. God.
I did, however, score points for my side by having the party at the bowling alley. Let someone else clean up, know what I'm sayin'? But -- and perhaps this is punishment for me getting too cocky -- Paige is having four girls stay the night. Yikes. I remember what I was like at slumber parties, and can I just say -- earplugs, PLEASE!
So I stocked up on snacks. Seriously, I spent $40 bucks on crap food. I'm loading the conveyor with frozen burritos, pizza rolls, Bagel Bites, Cheez-Its, Doritoes, bean dip (okay, that's for me), french onion dip, Ruffles, 2 kinds of cookies, cheese dip and tortilla chips. The cashier's looking at me as if I've lost my mind. And why do I feel the need to explain myself? I just do, that's why.
Pray for me, peoples. Pray that I will make it through this night of screaming, drama-queen girls. And if Jerry goes to bed early and leaves me to defend myself alone ... well, I'll have to punch him in the kidney (or somewhere else more front-ways and centrally located).
On a side note -- freakin' Grey's Anatomy beat that dang ratings-hog CSI last night. Weeeee! I have no idea why I care or feel so protective of my favorite show (or any other show on ABC, my beloved network since my junior high All My Children days). That's just me displaying a little of my nerdy side, I guess. However, I might've gone a smidge past nerdy. Well, suck it.
And now, I leave you this happy friday with some layouts to start your weekends out right, ya'll:
Those are the last scraps of my Coordinates Collection kit. Now off to tackle the other four kits in my floor. These three layouts are from Classy Pak, Dream Street Sandra Faye line:
Oh god, I get all giggly inside looking at that one. My cat is so awesome. Love him AND his finger-bitin' ways.
Next up is a simple layout of me. I really have nothing exciting to say about this one. But here ya go:
And lastly -- my favorite girl in the whole wide world. I did a little fancy on this one with my nifty Basic Grey rub-ons. So love.

And speaking of the photograph -- it amazes me that the crap-hole area I live in can have such pretty places for pictures. This weekend, we are making the girls pose in a field of Blackeyed-Susans that is just down the road from us. Ahhhhh. Can't wait.
Okay, I'm done now. Are ya'll still awake? Catch ya on Monday with (hopefully) lots of layouts to share and not much rampant-teenage damage to my brain.
love the first two; that paper is great great great!
isnt it funny that you are taking pics where you never thought you would. we have some fields that i wish woudl grow pretty flowers. although lets be honest, that is just tic heaven. ick!
Hey Chicka!
Thanks for the layouts! I swear to beans, I still have every kit still in their bags cause I just like lookin at them so much! How bout it if I send them to you along with some photos and you can hook a sista up?! Chow bella (on that bean dip, that is! ) I also survived a party this weekend...oh.my.god...17 kids, 3 cakes 40 hotdogs and 5 bags of chips and doodles...can you say poverty!?
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