Last post
In three days, it will officially be 2007. So this post, being on a Friday, will be the last one of 2006. This is truly an occasion. Seeing that I haven't posted in over a week, it's a downright miracle.
I am such a bad blogger! There is just so much shtuff going on in my life right now, I can't even function properly. I haven't read, I haven't scrapbooked, I haven't slept a full eight hours in effen three weeks! Gaaaahhhhh! Must do some yoga.
So my New Year's resolution is this: to be the best blogger on the face of the earth, ever. Oh, and probably to lose 20 pounds, perhaps exercise a li'l. But by about, ohhhhh, say January 5th, I'll be sooooo totally over that.
Okay, stuff on Christmas:
My daughter got an Ipod from her dad. She spent all day on the internet downloading songs. Yes, it was most definitely a heartwarming family Christmas for us.
Some good things about gifts:
1) I actually picked out clothes that Autumn liked! This is quite monumental, because in my eyes, Autumn is still a 4-year-old girl. So I had to really think outside the box here. What helped was if I could picture someone singing rock 'n roll in it, or perhaps rolling around on a skateboard in it, it was a keeper. And by god, it worked. Yessss.
2) Jerry got me some perfume. THE perfume. The one I've been asking for for the past 6 years. Elizabeth Arden Green Tea. Yummy. I smell so delicious, I'm practically edible. Go ahead, taste me. But only if you are cute. I do have to set some boundaries, ya know?
(Alright, alright...if you are ugly but have money, I'll let you have a little lick.)
Oooooh, lunch. Time for a power nap. Back in 60.
I'm back. I'm starving. I weighed my options and decided napping was better than eating. So now I get to sit here for the rest of the day while my stomach eats itself. Yay.
One other bit of exciting but non-Christmas-related news:
I have been promoted at the video store! I am now an official key-holder, which means instead of cleaning damn tanning beds and vacuuming, I get to count money! Weeeeee! I so important now. Cute and in charge of the cash. Bliss.
Okay, my loyal blogalicious friends, I'm gonna scoot. Apparently people are wanting to travel today and they are calling here as if this is a place of business. Geez.
Back next year, I promise! Love you, kisses, and all that mushy stuff. Peace, yo.