It's Me. The End.

Welcome to my bloggy blog. It's my new crush.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I'm ready for my close-up

Today, my friends, I am officially famous. You are now reading the blog of one who is on the brink of greatness. On the cusp of notoriety. In the crosshairs of the paparazzi. I am practically a household name right now.

Here's why:

The bookstore next door called me -- ME -- and asked if I wanted to participate in their little commercial. I was stunned into blindness (by my name in 600-watt lighting, of course). I was so honored, so excited, so completely relieved that finally finally I've been recognized for the talent I so obviously am.

The rundown:

I was supposed to sit in a chair, drink a latte, and pretend to read a book. Oh, and look pretty, but that is a given. Sounds easy right? I mean, I was pretty much born to do this. Heh.

But when I get to the bookstore today, they switched things up on me. I added a little acting to the repetoire, peoples! So coolio. I was told to stand with one of the employees, hold a book, and talk to each other (the employee, not the book). So the employee girl grabs a book off the shelf, which turns out to be one on George and Martha Washington. The director told me to hold the book and for her to point out something to me in it. And ad-lib...go!

Do you know how flippin' hard it is to talk about nothing when you are supposed to act like you are talking about something?! The best thing I could think of was "Martha Washington is sexy." I hope to god no one is a lip reader or I very well could have ruined the commercial. Eh.

However, it was a lot of fun and I gots me a free hot chocolate and biscotti out of the deal. Weeeee! You know me and free food -- we's best friends.

Gotta scoot now. I have to go interract with my public. Ciao my lovelies!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:40 PM  
Blogger Mom of 3 Boys said...

come on now do work cheap...they should be giving you a few books at least....i mean you probably have paid for them to open the hot cocoa/biscuits section of their store. ha!

sounds very fun and i will i could see the commercial :)

2:04 PM  
Blogger Gina said...

OH, MY. GOD. I am not worthy!

You are the man! Send me a copy and would ýou autograph my last layout!?

2:56 PM  

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