It's Me. The End.

Welcome to my bloggy blog. It's my new crush.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Miss me much?

Woah. Where have I been?

It's been over a week since my last posting, and I know ya'll are drooling your damn fool heads off with anticipation. So sorry for my departure...things here have been a wee bit hectic. Work, home, and that crazy social life of mine -- well, what can I say for myself except people love me.

So, huh. What have I done since we last spoke? Okay, here's a list:

1) I went to work at the video store last Friday. And dammit if mom didn't make me mop the flippin' tanning rooms. Oh. My. God. I practically gave myself a charlie horse.

2) I shaved my legs in the shower on Saturday. This is hardly anything exciting except for the fact that a) I had to take my glasses off, b) I am blind as a freakin' bat, and c) I learned not to clean the hairs off the razor with my thumbs when I can't see exactly what I'm doing. Oh yes, my friends. Much blood ensued.

3) Last night was the Video Giant Christmas party. We had a fun little bowling soiree, which is always a good time considering I am the kickingest assest person at bowling ever. (Hmmmm, did I just make up new words? Man, my brain is on fire today!)

Okay, seriously. I suck at the bowling. But if standing around looking pretty was a sport, I'd sooooo totally win.

Anyhoo, I surprised myself by coming in second on my 4-man team. That's practically a monkeys-fly-out-of-my-butt kind of moment right there. But it happened and I got so I excited I peed my pants a little. Heh.

Granted, my two losing partners were my 13-year-old daughter who couldn't give a care less, and my little sister who just had her fingernails done and therefore couldn't bowl a ball properly to save her life. But still. I beat them both, and nothing will change that. Ever. Weeeee!

Alrighty, things coming up in the future that ya'll must know:

1) Going to work at the video store again tonight and tomorrow because I work hard for that $5.15 an hour. Hahahahahahaha.

2) My real job's Christmas party is in Tulsa on Saturday at some frou-frou restaurant. Can't wait because it is food I'd never be able to afford on my own. However, what Travel Service, Inc. doesn't know is that we could go through the Mickey D's drive-thru for all I care; if it's free, I'm lovin' it. But let's just keep that to ourselves shall we? After 10 hard working, dedicated years of service to them, the very least they can do for me is give me a fancy chicken breast with some funky sauce on top.

3) Going shopping for pressies for my darling daughter to unappreciate on Christmas morning. Man, I love that girl!

4) My brother is having his baby in 1 week! This is the mostest excitingest news on the planet! Baby Bristol is coming and I'm going to be the most obnoxious aunt alive! Can't wait! My brother has already informed us all that Bristol will want race tracks and remote-controlled cars for Christmas this year. Yeah, ok. Diapers it is, then!

And now for some things that I haven't been doing but I should because it is sending my OCD into a hyper-spazmatastic-seizure sort of thing:

1) I haven't read a book in light years. I miss it so much. Books and I -- well, we were best friends just a few short months ago. And now, the one I started about two weeks ago is still sitting on my coffee table looking all rejected and pitiful. I swear, if it were a person it would have died by now.

2) I haven't scrapbooked properly in over a week. I know. This is serious business, peoples. I have made one lousy layout since the last one I posted for you. Just one. And it wasn't even a very good one. Something better inspire me soon, or I may s'plode from all the anxiety.

So I'm pretty much exhausted now from the never-ending typing today. I just wanted to catch ya'll up on the exciting nothingness that is my life. I apologize for my absence, but dangit if this wasn't one of the best posts ever, right? See. I take care of my peeps.

Love ya'll.


Blogger Mom of 3 Boys said...

hey buddy! finally a post on here. haha! i hope you have a great xmas!!!! well still a week away i guess. get on making your xmas cards!
and you must move to MA or NH. i know the minimum wage is much higher. haha i almost think 6.75. wow, you can buy 1/2 a paperback book an hour!
and dont be cutting yourself anymore. oh my. poor you. i would have been screaming when the water hit that!
here is something gross for you. andrew's finger nail fell off. he slammed in nana's sliding door, on koreys watch and we have been waiting for days as his little nail just kept peeling away. yes gross. however not as gross as what i smell right now. must go attend to baby#1. yes 1.5 mos short of 2.5 years old and still not any interest in potty training!

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's about time!
Unlike all the rest of the suckups, I DEMAND that my providers produce, skip all of the nicities and foufou talk! Gimme the layouts, bah, HUMBUG!!!

4:00 PM  

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