It's Me. The End.

Welcome to my bloggy blog. It's my new crush.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Yes, you may pass out now

Well, after reading this post, that is. You don't wanna miss the good stuff!

Today is officially the first day of Spring. And although it is dreary outside, gray and rainy, I so happy!!! I LOVE Spring. I flourish in Spring. Spring is so fabulous it gets a capital letter. Oh yes...Spring and I...we's best friends.

So why the second post in two days after being so consistently absentee for the past few months? I dunno. I just feel really good today. And so, my blogalicious lovelies, YOU get to reap the benefits of my good mood. It's like a party for your soul. Weeeee!

And now for some interesting things that have happened lately:

1) I am tanning again. I haven't tanned in seven years. Perhaps it was the lure of working at the video store/tanning salon two nights a week that got me. Or perhaps I just got tired of seeing my glaring pastiness stare back at me. Whichever the culprit, I am officially bronze and gorgeous now. Or just bronze. I've always been gorgeous.


(And I swear, if any of you argue with me on that point, I *will* and *shall quite pleasantly* punch you in the throat. Kisses!)

2) I have lost six pounds. And I swear no exercise was involved. It just came off me as if by magic. So finally, sitting in a chair for eight hours straight is paying off! Yessss.

3) Wow. I am truly a boring person. Can't think of a number three. Oh well, eat up 1 and 2 peoples! They's good stuff.

Off to do travel agent-y things now. And have some lunch. And some goofing off thrown in since I haven't wasted any time today -- aside from the instant messaging and Myspacin' that is.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Well are you *really* surprised?!

Yep. I've done it again. But seriously, did you expect anything different? My disappearing act has become somewhat of my M.O. lately. Either that, or nothing very exciting happens in my life and therefore warrants no new bloggy things. Huh. Don't think I'm ready to admit to that just yet. Last time I complained about boredom, some crackhead hit on me in the office. And I really do not want to go through that again. Urgh.

No new pictures, no new scrap pages. I do believe this blog has hit rock bottom.

But thanks a bunch for hanging out anyway! I just wanna lick you all over ... well, only the cute ones.
