The scrap is back!
I broke out the new kits the other night and totally impressed myself with my mad scrappin' skills. I made some loverly layouts with the Paper Loft Well Worn line, ya'll. Just looking at these makes me so happy on the inside:

Oops. Sorry 'bout that. Had a slight sentimental moment there. I done now.
Now this next layout is my favorite. It's got craftiness written all over it, man. Behind the photo is a little file folder and I paperclipped Autumn's picture to it and called it "Exhibit B: Sense of Style." Yes, she is modeling her new hat. She spent about a week in this hat. Now, I'd give you 20 bucks if you could ever find it again. Seriously.
Okay, that's enough of that. I know all you non-scrappers are rolling your eyes at me. So here is special stuff just for YOU:
1) Today is awesome. The sun is out, the temp is somewhere in the 80s, and the sky is a lovely cerulean blue. I don't know how we pulled this one off in November, but kudos! If we have any more days like today, I may just accidentally pee my pants a little.
2) I got to leave work a whole hour before my lunch break because my boss took pity on me. I told her I was starving and that my stomach was eating itself, so she shooed me away in the direction of Taco Bell. Bless her.
3) PLUS -- and this may be the best part -- I still get to have my normal lunch break at noon. Weeee! That's double the fun, right there. I so EXCITE!
4) I went to drop my car off at the tire-gettin-place. I have no idea how much it is going to cost me since I so stupidly forgot to shave my legs. Blast! However, I am rockin' the capris and hooker heels, so we can work out a deal, mayhaps?
5) And lastly, did ya'll know walking three blocks in high heels gives you shin splints? Yeah. Me neither. Trust me, that's the last time I do that. If I'm to get shin splints, I at least want to be doing something more fun than exercising. Like scrapbooking, for instance.
Later, blogheads. I have much eating of the Taco Bell to do.
Love the layouts and whooooies for you gettin an extra lunch! Your boss rocks the house, I tell ya! LOL! :D
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