And look what else
Somehow, despite all the hoopla surrounding the holiday, I managed to eke out a few scrapbooking layouts. I got my new kit by Moments Defined in the mail on Monday and took advantage of all those purty papers! Here is my favorite:

It is Jerry teaching Autumn how to ride a 4-wheeler. This event comes one day after I learned how to ride one. No joke. I've never driven a 4-wheeler in my life. Apparently I had a neglected childhood.
Also, good news -- I won my Ebay auction! I was bidding for a scrapbooking guide published by Autumn Leaves (all you non-scrappers, you may tune out now) that has all these cool freestyle layout ideas. I want to scrap more like Elsie, who is my all-time favorite scrapbooking idol, and now I can. Weeee!
I have two other bids on some scrapbook stuff, but I'm not telling anyone what they are for. I do not want to sabotage my own chances of winning -- someone, somewhere, out there in blogger land may get the bright idea to outbid me just to be funny. Do not -- I repeat, do NOT -- play tricks on me and my scrapbooking. That's some serious stuff right there.
Okie dokey, luvvies, I'm gonna scoot. No more talky talky. I sleepy now.
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