There is something wrong with this picture

Of course, it is partly my own fault. I'm thinking sitting on your ass all day isn't a viable exercise regimen. Who knew? Here's my day in a nutshell:
1) Turn off alarm at 8:30 a.m. Go back to bed.
2) Get out of bed at 9 a.m. and scramble to get ready in 10 minutes.
3) Out the door at 9:15-ish for the leisurely (read: bat out of hell) ride to work.
4) Arrive at work at 9:30 (ish, again) and sit down in front of computer.
5) Still sitting down.
6) Why, lookie me ... sitting down.
7) Lunch break -- whooo hoo! Off to get a latte and read my book, all while sitting down. Very much multi-tasking here.
8) Back to work at 1 p.m. to have a nice rest-of-day sit down.
9) 5:30 p.m. and work is finally over. Whew! I'm just plain exhausted.
10) Home now. A little food, tv, some scrapbooking, some reading, and lot of lounging on the couch. I mean, after a long day at work, who'd blame me?
11) So tired now. Crawl in bed to read my scrapbook magazines or watch some tv on the DVR. This day has just plain wore me out! I really need this time to just relax and veg, to rest up for the next day when I start the hellish cycle all over again.
Well, aren't you pooped just reading this list? I know I'm pooped just writing it. I never knew how much I do in a day. I figured by now, after 10 years of this, the pounds should be dripping off me. Something is definitely not right here.
Gotta get back to work now. I have some very important sitting to do.
I think your daughter is a hottie!
lol im strong we both probably kick ass together lets meet sometime
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