It's Me. The End.

Welcome to my bloggy blog. It's my new crush.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Super powers denied

I was foiled! Take-Out Girl was defeated by Eating-In Guy and I am in complete and utter shock.

Last night, Jerry told me to wake him up when I got home and we would cook dinner together. I mean, I figured he would do most of the cooking and I would, like, set the timer on the oven or something. But he tricked me! He pretended my waking-up techniques weren't working and stayed "asleep" for hours. He is a psychological genius.

Poop. So I suppose if anyone is going to be eating, I'd be the one to make it happen. I'm opening cabinets and trying to decide which item would take the least effort. The Hamburger Helper is a good idea, but thawing out meat is a pain in the ass. No thank you to the pork chops -- large meat items are strictly Jerry-territory (he doesn't know this, but I say it is true). I could make some tuna fish, but dammit if Jerry didn't eat the family-size Doritoes all by himself. Yes, I said FAMILY-size. That boy loves his chips.

Oh, hell's bells. I ended up making some cheesy chicken enchilada thing. Now, don't get all excited -- it was still out of a box and required 15 minutes of my time to "stir occassionally." I'm telling you, though, stirring stuff is exhausting, and the "occassionally" bit is a load of crap.

And as soon as I tell Jerry that dinner is ready, he is amazingly well-rested and ready to go. Hmmm. Interesting. Methinks someone's been duped.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your one crazy gal. Your real-life stories are so true and full of detail they always make me laugh and brighten my day. Keep writing, you could sell these stories and make I love you.


1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee hee! Family size, huh? That's a hoot. lol - you've got the patience of a saint... and you can tell Jerry I said that!

2:25 PM  

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