It's Me. The End.

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Monday, June 19, 2006

Me + PMS = good god almighty!

So I'm sitting on the couch last night, minding my own business, leisurely scanning channels for something good to watch. Nope. Nope. Nope. Oh, hell. What is the point in having the de-luxe Dish Network package if you STILL can't find anything on tv?

Oooh, Bridezillas. Well doesn't that sound like fun? If you've never heard of it, it is a reality show about women planning their wedding and they've gone all psycho. At the end of the program, the actual wedding takes place. So there are two people I don't know on the tv getting married (on the TV, i said) and I am blubbering like a baby. What the ef?

So next we have the program We Lost 800 Pounds on Discovery Health. Two heavily obese women (787 pounds and 627 pounds) who end up losing 400 pounds each. These two women did not know each other, but had talked on the phone giving encouragement, etc. At the end of the show, they finally meet in person. Tears, hugs, exclamations of joy ensue. And I am blubbering like a baby. Again. Good god.

Lastly, I'm watching Plastic Surgery: Before & After. There is a woman on there with double-I breasts. Yes, that's what I said. The girl needs teflon shoulder pads to put under her bra straps so they won't cut into her. She can actually lift one boob over her shoulder. Well, she can lift both of them over her shoulder, but doing that at the same time may be hazardous to her health. She is sitting in the doctor's office with her boobies bared before her and they actually look like stretched-out pizza dough, big thick pizza dough all across her lap. And the nipple is blurred out. What the heck for? So it won't look like a real boob? Or like pizza dough with a nipple on it?

What was my point? Hmmm...oh yes, me blubbering. The lady is getting ready to be wheeled into surgery, her husband is sitting next to her and they are both terrified. The husband gulps a little and bursts into tears and hugs his wife and I'm practically collapsing in sobs. What is wrong with me? If it wasn't so pathetic, I'd be hilarious.

Soooo, I'm very much looking forward to my period this week. Anything to stop the craziness that is me crying at every lame ass tv program. Enough of that, I say. I got better things to cry over. Like, for instance, the fact there are fresh groceries in the house and now there is no excuse for me not to cook. Hmmphf.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, don't you just love PMS?!?! hahahaha, riiiiiiight!

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

too freaking funny. i actually got a kit from my NYOBC that has most of the new north shore paper in it. i cant believe it. well maybe not most but go here. and i have barrel navy, sunset and wipe out but of course i like your better. so i am going to see if they have more at store... ~lepf

8:33 PM  

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