I love me a good weekend! I didn't do a whole lot, but it doesn't really matter. I wasn't working, and that is always a plus.
First of all, a shout out to my sister, Katy, for NOT calling me after Nacho Libre like she said she would. For shame.
Okay, things I did this weekend:
1) Stayed up waaayyyyyy too late waiting for my sister to call. Oh, did I already complain about that? Sorry. It consumes me.
2) I made this:

3) And this:

Plus 6 other awesome layouts that will rock the scrapbooking world. You will just have to trust me on this. Also, for those who care, this is the Scenic Route North Shore kit. Me loves!
1) Sat on my lazy ass all day. It was super fun.
1) Saw my daughter off to church camp for a week. Waaah! But what is cool is that she is going to the same camp that I went to 17 years ago. Freaky. I told her to look for the "I heart Dennis" thing I wrote on the bunk beds when I was 13 years old. Yeah, I graffiti-ed at church camp. What of it?
2) Dropped off my step-daughter for a whirlwind week of doing nothing in Tulsa with her mom. The hubby and I are now alone until Friday. Which means only one thing ... scrapbooking in private! (What else could it mean, seriously?)
3) I ate a whole can of bean dip by myself. Then my jaw locked up on me again. That was probably my punishment.
Wow. I can't believe I got all that done in one weekend. I sure know how to party.
Dennis? LOL, I do not remember a Dennis! Hmmmm! Now u have me wondering, who the heckie is he?! LOL!!! Glad you had a great weekend! :-)
dianna please email me and tell me where you got your kit; i love the paper and want to see if i can get the same paper. also were the letters on the first one just stickers or were they chipboard; they look like they are lifted up but cant tell for sure. nice. i love them.
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