And introducing ... me

Jerry is a photographer at heart, I tell ya. "Stand by this tree ... okay, now let's put you here in front of the house ... no, NOT in front of the faded out shutter -- you don't want that in the photo do you? Okay, now up against the porch railing ... turn around (secretly snap picture of ass) ... look over your shoulder ... Oooh, I have an idea -- let's go to the other side of the porch! Let's put this deck chair behind you to make a nice background. Wait ... what is this? A flower?! Let's take a close-up of that. Mmmm, won't that look lovely all blown-up and framed. Oh, here ... hold the flower. Ah, that's nice. Look cute, smile..." And on and on and on.
So, of course, when I go through the previews of the photos on the digital, there is not only a picture of my ass, but one of my boobies, too. How typical. I am soooo paying him back this weekend. However, crotch shots don't interest me much. I'm thinking more of a "kick back in the recliner and fall asleep with my hand down my pants a la Al Bundy" picture. Now, that is blackmail just waiting to happen!
That is a cute photo! ( I was able to get the tahiti! Thanks for the information! )
I am so blowing off the kids soccer cup this weekend to be home alone and scrap!
Very nice picture... Jerry sounds like me. My family calls the the picture nazi.
that jerry. what a silly guy! korey has gotten some boob shots; surprise, here is the camera while i am taking a shower. oh yeah, really funny...
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