It's Me. The End.

Welcome to my bloggy blog. It's my new crush.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

What up?

I know I know I know. You don't even have to say anything; I already feel bad all by myself. My New Year's Resolution of being the best blogger on Earth ever ever has been literally flushed down the loo. Along with the diet and the exercise. So I'm three for three. And it's only January 11. I predict a fantastic 2007 for me.

Oh, but let's stop the whining! I am here today, trying to make up for my lack-o-blogging. Certainly, I get friendship points for that?

Here's my excuse:

I've been sick. For a whole damn week. I don't know what that's about, but I'm pretty sure it came about when I swallowed a Taco Bell nacho sideways. Note to my peeps: don't do that. It gives you a wicked sore throat and it is disgusting.

I actually went to the doctor because having a sore throat for a week is just not normal. Yes, my OCD-slash-hypochondria was kicking in just in time for the new year. Anyhoo, doc looks in my throat, proceeds to tell me how ugly it is (geez, thanks), and writes out a script for the tastiest antibiotics I think I've ever had.

If you like to gag.

Now I am feeling much, much better. I can swallow again without practically peeing my pants. All good things.

So I'm hoping by this point, you've felt sorry for me and forgotten all about the thing which shall not be named. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, then my mission has been accomplished.

Current situation:

Sucked down the last undrinkable bits of a caramel blended latte -- you know, the mushy whipped creamy stuff that doesn't go up the straw, but instead makes really annoying slurping noises that drive your co-workers crazy? Yeah, it was that good.

Moved on now to a Dr. Pepper. And a game of Literati on Yahoo. And a little bit of My Spacin'. Oh, and work? I'm sorry, it is Thursday and there is no such thing as work on Thursday. (Seriously, I read that somewhere. Or else I made it up. Whatev.)

Toodle-loos, my hot sexy friends. More blogalicious fun coming soon!


Blogger Gina said...

I feel bad giving you tha fingah and you were sick but now that you are better, get on the ball and show us some layouts! I can send you photos if you need them!

7:09 AM  

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