Some photo-liciousness... help pass the time. I know, I know, my dears. I will be missing from action for four whole days. What are ya'll gonna do without your daily blog love? I dunno, it'll be a toughie, for reals. So here's some piccies to help heal your heart while I'm away:
First up is my darling daughter. I just love capturing funny faces when they don't know I've got the camera. I think this one will be placed in the bribery file for future use. I'm pretty sure it will yield quite a bargaining price, especially when dealing with boyfriends. I feel a lifetime of free massages in my future. Weeee!
Next up, my sister the Supa-Stah! Doesn't she look so groooovy and cool? I swear to god, I got shorted a few gems from the gene pool, because I never looked this adorable when I was her age. Unless you count gigantic eye glasses with tiny stickers in the corner adorable. Hmmmm. Really? Well, I'm not surprised. I suck.
I sooooo love this next picture. Autumn can be such a cute, sweet, funny girl when she wants to be. This is her smooching on an olive and sporting a hot, messy bun. And yes, I'll take pictures of just about anything. Amen.
And now we have a slightly, very This was mom's Labor Day party, sitting out by the pool, having some mudslides. Yay! Me + drinky = cute picture taking opportunity including extended pinky finger ala proper British chick at tea time.
(What the freak did I just say? Nevermind.) And lastly, I leave you with some beautiful to look at. I lurve this girl. She makes my heart feel good. And I swear, if any of you little boys out there break my baby's heart, I will scratch your eyes out. I'm serious.
Okay, my bloggerazzi, I am outta here. Hope ya'll have a great holiday. Back on Monday for all the gory details! xoxo
Have a great holiday weekend and did I tell you I kicked my kit ocd???
ALL have bitten the dust...(that is because the Hubbs got sick of running to the post to pick them up)!
hey! i finally caught up on dianna blog. i cant believe i missed a few entries!
hope you had a nice tday!
catch up soon
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