Two days in a row...
...that's a record, now, isn't it? Seems like that lately, anyway. I wanna apologize for being a bad blogger. I know ya'll have to get your fix, and I'm just like a candy stealer, holding all the goodies from my babies. So sorry. I will try to do better.
Any hot plans this weekend? Nothing much here except my husband has gone on a hunting trip so I'm thinking up all kinds of cool ways to spend his money while he's out. Here are a few ideas:
1) Shopping. You can never go wrong with shopping. I know I just went last weekend, but dammit, that was with my money so it's hardly the same thing. Plus, with Jerry's money, I can buy big-ticket items. Save my own flow for the cheap stuff. I do like to play fair, my friends.
2) Hmmm. Weird. I can't think of anything else. Shopping it is, then!
I am so sleepy today! I need to stop scrapbooking in the middle of the night, I guess. That, or else I need to stop DVR-ing every dang program known to man. Seriously. I recorded that flippin' Barbara Walters dealie on tv last night. What the freak for, man? I don't watch Barbara Walters, nor do I care about her 30 mistakes in 30 years. I am just a DVR junkie, plain and simple.
One word about the Dancing in the Stars finale on Wednesday. My poor poor Mario! I wanted him to win so bad. Now don't get me wrong; Emmitt Smith has his own cuteness going on. But I just got sucked in by Mario's dimples. And his swiveling hips. And his Latino hotness.
Anyway, I suppose that is what I get for not voting. It's all my fault. I am a loser.
Check this out: Right outside my office window this very second -- I mean, this absolute minute right now, there are camera crews setting up to video tape country singer, Keith Anderson's, latest video "Podunk." And I see some cute roadies, too, so travel agent work has been shot all to hell.
Keith is from my hometown, and as a gesture of downhome goodness, he decided to film the video for his new song right here. I'm trippin'! Of course, I don't know Keith as he is older than me, but he did work for mama at the video store, so technically that makes us best friends. I think that also makes me quasi-famous. Anyhoo...
Welp, looks like it is that time again to bid adieu. I have some serious goofing off on the Myspace and other non-work related items to get to. You know, busy busy busy! So I leave you with a little sumpin' sumpin' to get you through the weekend:

u r too dang funny, miss di! have a great weekend!
never heard of that country singer???
love this pic
you are losing could be the rays from the CRT...If I were Jerry, I would be afraid...VERY afraid!
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