It's Me. The End.

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Monday, August 14, 2006

Stuff I did

Is it Monday already?

So, as you all know it was Jerry's birthday on Friday (and Autumn's dad's birthday too...freaky). And what do we do to celebrate? Here's the list:

1) I allowed Jerry to choose the restaurant. He picked Chinese, which was good because I was so hungry! My stomach practically ate itself. Thank god for buffets, ya know?

2) Went to two casinos to get free birthday money. Got $10 in each place and blew it all in a mere 5 minutes. Jerry would not let me get more money out of the ATM. He is the devil.

3) As punishment, I fell asleep at 10:45. Which hasn't happened in like 2 years or something. Mwahhahaah. I showed him.

Saturday was a better day. After I slept for 12 hours, I felt like a brand new woman. I am an Olympic sleeper, seriously. I loves me some nap time!

Anyway, we didn't really do anything in the afternoon. It was a rather lazy day. Then Jerry ends up going to some dude's birthday party and left me on my own for 7 hours. Here is how I lived it up:

1) Scrapbooked for 4 hours. My back spasmed for 4 more.

2) Read 60 pages in a book.

3) Watched some DVR shows -- My Fair Brady finale, I Wanna Be a Soap Star finale, and the latest episode of Project Runway, which is like the best show on tv right now.

Sunday, Jerry and I went to the movies. We saw "World Trade Center" which was very good and so, so sad. I bawled like a baby, but quietly as I didn't want to embarrass myself. After the movie, I asked Jerry if he cried and he said no. What?! Did I marry a robot?

And finally, after what seemed like lightyears, my dear daughter came home from her Florida trip. She had a great time and I am so happy she got to go. But my dreams of a loving reunion were shot all to hell. I went in for a cuddle and was turned down flat, and instead, offered a reluctant cheek in which to plant my hello kiss. Autumn's not much for making out with dear ol' ma, I guess. Crap.

And get this: Jerry tried to pull the Jedi mind tricky on me by trying to make me feel guilty for not whipping up a batch of tea on Sunday, because, after all, he cleaned the entire house on his birthday. Oh, I'm sorry, didn't you say Friday was just another day? Too bad. I call 'em like I see 'em.

(And he made the tea. Yessss.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend! :) YAY!

1:50 PM  

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