A worldly woman

Autumn is traveling to Florida, land of sunshine, palm trees and Universal Studios...weeee! She is going with her dad and family, and all I have to say to that is Good Luck To Ya! I have no guarantees that she will be on her best behavior, especially because she is almost 13, she is traveling with her two younger sisters, and she is a bit of a drama queen.
I have no idea where she gets that from.
Autumn will be gone a whole 10 days. And as much as she irritates the crap out of me sometimes, I do believe I will miss her like holy heck. However, souvenirs best be forthcoming. A wardrobe isn't complete without a Looney Toons fanny pack and an Incredible Hulk sun visor, I always say.
On a side note, I know ya'll are beside yourselves with the fact there are no scrapbook layouts with which to ogle and drool over. Trust me, I am dying inside myself! I was forced, against my will, to help my daughter with laundry and packing, which in turn disrupted my creative time and threw off my groove.
However, Monday is another day. I got my first August kit in the mail today, PLUS I am going to meet Elsie this weekend, so the scrap juice should be flowin' rather well, I'd say. Stay tuned, people and prepare yourselves....
cant wait to hear about your meeting elsie :) and also to see your new pages.
i still havent taken pic of the latest NYOBC kit. i am sorry! silly me but you DID get a bunch of pages, right? i dont think i heard back from you abt them all.
hope autumn has a great time. will she be calling you? is she going to disney?
off to bed! oh did i tell you i freaking LOVE my xyron...tried it out. got my 'classic' fonts today in mail; havent tried those out but i am getting karen foster fonts/tags tomorrow. paying full price from my local scrap store for those. have to throw them a bone ;)
Awwwwe, what a trooper! I remember letting Chelsea go w/ Terry's parents a couple of years ago to Disneyland in California...without me! Ahhhh, talk about missing her like crazy! As much as they drive ya crazy, you still miss the heck out of em, LOL! Enjoy the peace and quiet tho...the noise will be back before you know it! :D
My baby is going with neighbors to their summer house...I always miss her so much! It is different when the twins go places, but on the other hand,maybe i can unpack some of the stuff that SOMEone that shall remain nameless lured me into buying...
I swear I must have been drunk! I just received an invoice from one of "them" for $117.00? woah, horsie!
it is 7:52pm and there is no update on your blog. i am highly disappointed. i expected to come back here after a long day of driving all over MA and NH (you would have loved it, you state adding geek!) and find your new blog and some new pages. ugh! please impress me tomorrow.
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