In other news...
Okay, I have four things to divulge. Hope you likey:
1) I got my cholestoral screening back from the lab today. Apparently, I'm gonna LIVE! For those who must know (and I'm sure that is pretty much all of you), my total cholestoral is 157. You have no idea what this means to this heart-obsessed gal. Seriously. But that's a whole 'nother story right there.
2) I took my car into the shop and asked them about my pancake of a tire. The dude said I did not have "road hazard" on my tires -- whatever the hell that is. So I gave him a little looksie with my eyes, and then he buckled under the weight of my lusty glare and got me a new tire for $35. Damn, I'm good.
(I'm pretty sure he wasn't going to give me the $35 tire anyway. It was my eyes that did it, and that will be the story until the day I die.)
3) I have layouts -- four of them to be exact. I did them all last night and I can't decide which ones are more worthy to be posted, so dang it if I'm not going to post them ALL! This is almost the last of my "Fashion Sense" kit from Coordinates Collection. Feast your eyes on these beauties:

Okay, the above is my mother back in June when I snapped this picture while she was talking to my Aunt Sharon. I think she was getting frustrated because I wouldn't leave her alone. But look at this result. Worth it? Indeed.
And just so you know, "True Luv" stands for the fact that my mother is my first true love. For reals, ya'll. She rawks.
Next up is my lovely sister looking all luscious in black and white:

Alrighty, this next one is of me looking all contemplative and thoughtful. But really it was all staged. Right before this picture I was being all tipsy on pina coladas and fireworks. I am such a good poser it's not even funny. See:

And lastly, my daughter. I kind of like this one:

But before I get to that, I wanna take a poll -- which layout is your favorite? Don't know why it matters; it just does.
4) I saved the best for last, peoples. Here goes:
And this means, I am going to be a real full-blooded auntie! I am super excited and trying very hard not to wet myself. So cool.
Alright -- so this post is about eons too long, and I apologize if you've fallen asleep already. But wasn't it totally worth it like I said? I think yes.
what fun that your brother is having a baby! and i bet autumn will be a great babysitter too! layouts are great. i have been lazy lately although did finish 5 or so 8x8 beach ones. i looked today at patricks album and has may pics and that is it. uh, that is really bad. i must do more for his album!
i am so psyched to see stuff at wholly scrap on thur. i hope they have what we both what./ i am thinking about shopping and hiding my stuff under a pile of other paper so i can pick up on sale sat.
andrew is pulling my hair. bad boy
I think all the layouts are great, but I think the one of Katy is my favorite...tho they are all great! :) Awwwwwwwe, Bryan is having a baby? That is such awesome news! Congrats to him and the family! :) When is she due?
Thanks for the layout ideas! I am not sure I have this kit..who is it?
GRATTIS! Nu ska du bli FASTER (father sister = aunt in Swedish...Mothers sister= Moster.
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