From me to you

My darling girl looking all cute and posing on a bridge near our house. I hope Autumn never tires of me dragging her to weird places so I can take her picture. So far so good, though. Stick a camera in her face and she instantly hits model mode. It's actually a little freaky. It's like, frown, whine, ignore me and then ... ooh, helllloooo camera so nice to see you! Weird.
This photo was taken this weekend when Autumn had her friend, Breanna, stay over. And yes, Breanna got wrangled into the photo shoot as well. Gotta get proof Autumn has friends ya know.
Oooh, I'm feeling a little scrap inspiration right about now. Good thing it is almost September and therefore new kits will be forthcoming. Weeee!
Got other news to share, but it will be after lunchtime. But trust me, you will want to know! Stick around.
Autumn is such a cutie! That's a beautiful picture! Thxs for sharing!! :)
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