What the...?!

1) No.
2) Uh-uh.
3) Get away from my car.
4) Or I swear I'll go to Pizza Hut.
I know that sounds a little unfair because, after all, the dude was just doing his job. But good lord! Aren't there other parking lots to terrorize besides mine? Methinks the answer must be no. Ger.

Also, for all those curious (read: all of you), I scrapbooked last night for hours. Right after the homecooked meal Jerry prepared. And right before I layed on the couch reading my book. I believe that is what we like to call "The Royal Treatment." Yes.
And perhaps the best news of the day -- prepare yourselves: I called the city hall to see what their hours were so I could come by and pay my speeding ticket. So the lady is pulling up my name, the ticket number, my mother's maiden name -- anything -- in order to find my file. But it has gone the way of plastic jelly shoes -- just disappeared. Turns out, the police officer's radar was on the blink and they've voided out my ticket. I'm in shock, but not so surprised. I just knew going 59 in a 40 wasn't technically speeding. Let that be a lesson to them.
good foryou about the tix! and you should never pay them anyway; go and 'fight' at court and you will get them reduced a bit. in MA< i got a crazy one for $250+....they do 50 and then 10 for every mile over. yikes. i went to city hall and it was my bday...and reduced to 50. ha! i will pay that! but i am glad you paid nada; more money for scrap... ~lepf
Ugh, stupid Eureka Pizza people...dont they ever learn?!?! Congrats on not having to pay your speeding ticket...thats always a good thing! :) Now you have a lil bit of extra money, hehe! Go you!
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