Scrappers beware...
...I'm about to knock your socks off. Check out these beauties:

First layout is of my new hair. New, as in not purchased, like a wig, but new as in it is long now and I've never had long hair. I've tried to grow it long, but I get tired of waiting and end up cutting the dang thing. This time, however, I've restrained from doing so (read: too lazy to care). And lookie what happened ... me + long hair = sexy.
Second layout is of mother during her pool party with the cousins. I think she wore this "outfit" to make all of us look bad. Good going, mom. Way to instill some self-esteem in your children. I love you, but why can't you wear knee high hose or cotton shorts like the rest of the moms?
Oh, and on a side note, my day of freebies continued last night once I got home. Knopf sent me a book! I don't know if I will read it or not, but it was free dammit, and therefore I could sell it and make a 100% profit. Yes.
dianna the new pics arent coming thru; they are little X in corner and rest blanked out...can you please retry?? thanks lepf
I had that problem w/ the pics last night too, but they are there now! :) Wow, your hair sure is long! Thxs for sharing! YAY for another free pressie! heheh!
hey dianna, are the pics 4x6? and where do you buy them from?
lucky you, your kids are older, i am off to change mr stinky aj
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