Kitty porn

*Height -- about mid-calf level
*Weight -- don't ask a girl such retarded questions
*Eyes -- greenish gold
*Hair -- Salt 'n Pepa, oreo, domino, ebony and ivory, jungle fever, Braum's-dairy-cow-colored, etc.
*Distinguishing characteristics -- a slight receding hairline (evident in the second picture) and a cute freckle on left nostril
*Interests -- sleeping all day, not exercising (Hey! She is my child after all!!), staring out windows, throwing up periodically around the house, shedding on every last drop of furniture, pooping outside the litter box
*Dislikes -- that dumb ass other cat, Alex (her words, not mine), when my mom tries to hold me or love on me in any way, being forced to take pictures like this one
*Looking for -- a man who can handle all this
Chloe says even fat girls need love too. Now, if this pose doesn't bring all the boys to the yard, I don't know what will.

That's all for now, my pretties. Please contact me with details on your boy cats and I will pass them along to Miss Chloe. She is a very discerning girl, so therefore, don't be sending along pictures that are not recent (i.e., pre-beer belly).
So, yes, I'm pimping my cat on Blogspot. What of it?
such a cute caTTT
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