It's Me. The End.

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

A dip into history

So I was talking to my corporate client -- not the head honcho, but her minion, obviously -- on MSN and she sent over this dancing baby emoticon that looked like it was wearing a codpiece. She's all, what's a codpiece? Well, it is only the most fantastically orgasmic piece of male clothing on earth. And the funniest word ever. Duh.

Okay, some history for you ... back in the olden days, like 1400s or so, men wore tights, right? Well, they were open in the crotch to let their dangly bits air out, because as you know, in the 1400s they didn't have air conditioning and just imagine how musty it must be in their nether regions....




I'm back. Imagining that is not such a good idea. Anyhoo, some designer (I'm thinking someone like Karl Lagerfeld or that weirdo who made the basket hat last week on Project Runway) came up with the idea of the codpiece -- a bit of material to go over the privates because I reckon women just didn't want to see mens' nakey, hairy, sweaty middles anymore.

Hmmm. Don't go imagining that either.

So here is a nice little page on codpieces, plus a hot photo of Henry the 8th sporting a big 'un. And I urge you to do a little google for some images. A codpiece extravanganza, I tell you! I believe you will thank me for your sexy dreams later.

Good night.


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