It's Me. The End.

Welcome to my bloggy blog. It's my new crush.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Big man on a little bike...

I got my photos today from Snapfish and wanted to share this gorgeous shot of my hottie, Jerry. This motorbike is practically circus-sized. Okay, so maybe it's not that small, and maybe it looks funnier in person, but hopefully you'll get a laugh out of it anyway. I know I did.

And, as mentioned earlier, I got packages-galore from the mailman today. Three scrapbooking kits all for me! I can't wait to get started on them this evening. I'm practically peeing my pants.

I am a nerd.

On the reading front, I am about 3/4 through with Margaret Atwood's book, The Robber Bride. Lovin' it. I so enjoy my reading time. I am angry with myself for not doing it enough these days. Someone better hurry up and invent those 30-hour days -- God knows I could use a few.

It is now 5p.m. and the office is closed. I have survived another Monday. Only 4 more days now until the weekend. Yippee!

And lastly, I passed 100 hits on the blog! Granted, most of them are mine. But whatev.


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