It's Me. The End.

Welcome to my bloggy blog. It's my new crush.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Coming to you on a Saturday

So does this make me an official loser? I am blogging on a Saturday night. As opposed to drinkies or dancing, movies or casino-ing ... I am blogging. I'm practically bowing my head in shame as I type this. But I won't because 11 hours of sleep really does a number on my neck.

Some notes about today:

1) At approximately 12:45 this morning, I went to Wal-mart and purchased my very own copy of Harry Potter 7. However, it wasn't a planned thing. I actually went to Wal-mart (with Brad, of course) to buy a fan for my bedroom. Did I mention how my bedroom is like 3856593 degrees at all times? It makes for an interestingly sweaty night.

Anyhoo, this fan ... I got one with a remote control. Because nothing says "lazy" more than a fan that you can control from the comfort of your own bed. Yay! Next, I'm buying myself a Clapper. And then pretty much anything else that is remote controlled. Or robotic.

2) Went to Hobby Lobby and picked up the new Lola paper line from Love, Elsie. It is ka-yoooot! Also got some letters and coordinating stickers. You know, for the scrapbooking I'm no longer doing.

(Must also be the reason for the Harry Potter book -- apparently I like to support my own hobbies by buying crap that I won't use for like 938674867 years.)

Actually, I plan to make a cute little layout this coming week with the paper. I've got a photo of Autumn from her school dance last year that would look perfect. So watch for that in the blog soon. (You so excite!)

3) Hung out with Brad and his kids at the mall. We spent way too much money in Tilt playing games so we could get enough tickets to buy an obsessive amount of tiny plastic toys. I will say this though ... I will kick your ass in Skee-Ball. Especially if you are a 6-year-old kid who has one eye on the ball and one eye on the much cooler Jurassic Park game over in the corner.

Okay, I dun now. Brad's on his way back over. And I have to pretend I haven't been blogging for half an hour, watching Property Ladder re-runs, or doing word search puzzles out of a book I purchased specifically because making tidy circles around words makes me very very happy.



Blogger Gina said...

I was remotely drawn to your site this morning...knowing that there was a chance that there was nothing new...but feeling...feeling shall we say a vibe of refreshing skit snack... Let's see the paper...just a tease, please!

6:11 AM  

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