It's Me. The End.

Welcome to my bloggy blog. It's my new crush.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Well guess who it is?!

I know, I know, I know. You don't even have to say it 'cause I already know. So let's move on, shall we?

Okay, things have changed quite drastically since the last time I've blogged. Some new stuff:

1) I have scrapbooked! Okay, so it was only a father's day card, but who cares? I scrapped. And that is what is important, my friends.

2) I finished a book and started another one. This is a major deal. Those who know me know I read lots and lots of books. But this year -- seriously, ALL of this year -- I have only read one. One book. And it wasn't even a fat one. Sheesh.

So now I am on my second book of the year. And if I was any more excited about it, I'd pee my pants.

Yes, seriously.

3) Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, dear husband and I have decided to separate. This all came about last October, and I have been living in the world's most pathetic apartment on the planet since December. I won't go into details about the whats and whys, just thought maybe this would shed some light as to the cause of my blogging delinquincy. It's been a huge change in my life, and I'm just now starting to get things back on track. Not to say I'll be scrapping or reading like a maniac any time soon, but you get my point.

Now that that is out of the way ... on to the fun! Here are pictures that you've been dying to see. (Yes, trust me. You have.)

First up is me. If you don't think this is cute, you need your brain checked. That's all I'm saying.

Next is my adorable nephew, Bristol. He has grown up so precious and sweet. He is even better than this in person. Well, except for the pooping.

And I do NOT have Transitions lenses in my glasses. I have no idea why they always photograph dark like that. They just do, and my brain hurts too much to contemplate the whys.

And as far as the frightened look on Bristol's face -- that's not scared, that's sheer adoration in its purest form! You should see how he vomits on other people and not me. I told you I'd be his favorite auntie EVER. Heh.

There is much more blogging-slash-catching up to do, but not enough time. I've got an hour left of work and so must go fit in more goofing off before we close! Yes, you can see at least I've got one of my priorities still in working order.

Enjoy your fourth of July, my lovelies! I'll be back on Thursday to discuss the hell that is a computer with no Myspace. (Seriously. It is the devil.)


Blogger Gina said...

Just stopping by to post my monthly (ok, bi weekly) snarky comment and wtf!? Glad you are alive and well and crossing my eyes that things are the way they are meant to be... Now can we put the bs aside and get on to what is REALLY important? Ps Bristol looks VERY afraid...are you sure of his adoration? LOL!!! I missed you, BAD!!!

5:14 AM  
Blogger Gina said...

PS: THE Elsie actually emailed me back when I asked her a question! I have a new scrap love!

5:15 AM  

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