It's Me. The End.

Welcome to my bloggy blog. It's my new crush.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Okay, blogger, we've gotta get something straight. You cannot, I repeat, CANNOT, afford to be wishy washy with me. Either you let me post a title or you do not. Decide. As in right now.


So yeah, we're back to no headline. My OCD is running amuck.

But on a brighter note, my new beau:

Oh, he is kaaaa-yoot! *Sigh* I LURVE him. He goes by Brad, but I like to call him Hottie McHotterstein. Or Dreamboat McBradley. Or Go Go Gadget Sweet Lips. Or Super Brad in Spandex Pants. But mostly just in my head. Outloud I just call him Giggle Buns. He likeee.

Okay, enough of that. I know I just made you throw up in your mouth a little.

Things we like to do together thus far:

1) Go to Wal-mart. It is our thing. We are like hello, hug, kiss, Wal-mart. Seriously. It is hilarious.

2) Play Blackjack. Not that we are good or anything, but it is fun to make $20 in gambling money last longer than five minutes. Slots, be damned!

3) Go eat at restaurants really late, like about 5 minutes from the cut-off time before you get spit in your food. So far, the nicest people were Pizza Hut when they told us the dining room closed at 11 p.m. and our watches clearly stated 10:45 -- but whatev. They lost out on a 2 dollar tip. FACE.

4) And finally, sleep. On skinny couches. Built for one. Heheh. It is almost comical at times, I swear it. As in Three's-Company-Jack-Tripper-fall-off-the-couch funny. And you know your couch is too small when you actually have to pull the coffee table over to make an arm rest. Yep. I did that.

GAH! I just got about 93858467495 emails regarding travel-related-non-blogger-type crap. Urgh. Whose idea was it to work on Tuesdays again?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang, Girl! You done did good! Now if you would just get them layouts crackin, we'd be in business! He is so cute! What did you spike his drink with?

12:57 PM  

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