Pictures to love!
(OH! And the headline is back! I soooo excite!)
So I wanna just say for all my scrapping friends that I actually made a little sumpin' sumpin' the other night. It was my first page in like 397856739 months! It's not the best thing I could ever come up with but it beats NO pages hands-down! Alas:

Hoping to maybe, quite possibility do a little layout or two tonight. We'll see. A 4 hour nap may win me over instead. And then it'll be bedtime, soooo...
Next up is me looking my finest. I curled my hair and everything. And oh so casually cropped my little sister right out. Sweet.
Hmmm. I spy boobies. Why, lookie me!
This next picture is the heart of my heart, my gorgeous daughter Autumn. Granted, half her head is covered by my massive camera, but she still looks pretty. And as for the camera itself -- divine! So photogenic, those two.
Okay, next up is two of my favorite people -- mom and baby Bristol. Again, not the best quality of photo, but this time it's Autumn's fault. It's hard to take good pics when you are staring at yourself in a mirror.
Mom really needs to stop working out. I'm serious. No 50-year-old woman should have arms like that. EVER. It just makes all your fat children feel bad. Blah.
This photo was taken yesterday, so how up-to-the-minute am I? Mom, Katy, Autumn, Bryan, Hannah, Bristol and I went out to eat at Fuddrucker's, which was delish and promptly made me feel bloated and sorry. Eh.
Afterwards, we went to Petland next door because we thought it would be cute for Bristol to giggle over the puppies. But instead he vomited on the floor over by the fish. And who was holding him at the time? Not me! Haha! Told you he loved me best.
Okay, last photo is of the beau, who looks just so handsome all posed up there casually on the edge of the couch. Almost as if he was just sitting there like that nonchalantly, and I surprised him with a picture. Ahhhh, that boy! So love.
Wow, my photo fest has done worn me the ef out! I've wasted a good two hours today uploading and organizing. And by "wasting" I mean "working like a good travel agent should" -- of course!
So I'm going to go now and do more work. And by "work" I mean "go next door and buy myself a latte." Ya'll have a great day! Love you miss you wanna make out with you (but only the cute ones).
There was a little too much gushing that last post. On the other hand....Mom has guns!? Damn, girl, send her here to be my personal trainer! You should scrap those arms!, lol!
Even tho they fuked you up as a sistah, Let it be known that my sistah STILL ownes a thriving salon in the "hood" and she would NEVAH allow you to go out with that hair!!
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