It's Me. The End.

Welcome to my bloggy blog. It's my new crush.

Monday, July 09, 2007


Cuz Blogger is retarded. It won't let me put a title in cuz it's done gone mental.


And don't ask why this is important. It just is. Anyone with even a smidge of the OCD will tell you it's true.

Okay, but back to my point ...

People effing love me.

No seriously they do. You were all waiting for the LOL but there isn't one.

So, how do I know this? Cuz I've been blogger delinquent for nigh on a billion months and still yet have managed to score myself some 4,000 stalkers. Heheh.

Hmmmm. Yeah. Di is boring today.

Myspace story and weekend scoop is next, but first things first .... LUNCH. And then some goofing off cuz boss is gone today. Weeee!



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