A little bling bling
A few things about the weekend:
1) I forced the children, yet again, into a photo shoot out in the front yard. Super fun. I've got a couple piccies to share with ya'll but I'm too lazy right now to upload them. So sorry.
2) I realized that the sound of glass breaking can wake me up out of a deep, deep sleep. I'm serious...I was dreaming all happily about little kittens, pink bows, lollipops and a little makey outey with my former paper boy, when suddenly CRACK! What the....?! And just when I was gettin' to the good part, too.
Here's what I find:

So we are cleaning the mess, and I get the fun part of clearing the glass out of the grout on our landing, which is so super fun because I love the sound of dirt being sucked up in a vacuum. It makes me all happy inside. Sigh.
Oops. Sorry about that. Lost track of myself. Back to my story.
Okay, so my silly husband decides to send all the glass down the cracks in the porch, right? And I'm like, hellloooo my handsome idiot -- the dog and cat sleep under there! I mean, this is serious shiznit. So serious, that I actually put on my under-porch-crawling gear and pick glass up myself.
(Insert collective shocked gasp here.)
I know. It is very much a historical day in the Johnston household when I'm crawling around on hands and knees in the dirt in a scary place (i.e., where the cat sometimes likes to poop) to pick up a billion shards of glass with my own naked fingers. I so deserve the town humanity award for this, my friends.
3) And finally, free casino birthday money sucks. Truly, there is no point to it if they are just going to take it back. Jerry and I were in the casino no more than ten minutes before losing it all. Well worth the gas it took to get there, I'd say.
As an added special bonus treat, here is a photo of my new bling (the good kind, not of the shattered glass persuasion):

Leaving work early today to partake in a bit of Junior High Volleyball Action. Dear daughters are having their first game tonight and I'm very excited. Autumn has never played an organized sport before, and if she's anything like I was as a teenager, she'll be crap at it and terrified of flying balls (teehee). So let's hope for the best and hope I'm shockingly surprised.
WoW! I gave my RBSOAB boss 16 of the best years of my hardest workin child rearin back breakin years and I got no effin watch...!? wrong employer, sigh I am jealous!
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