It's Me. The End.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A little DVR love

I am so unnaturally in love with my DVR, it ain't even funny. How did I ever survive without this thing? If you don't have one, trust me -- it will be the best investment you will ever make. Seriously.

Here is my current list of shows that my DVR records for me:

DIY Scrapbooking -- Like, 3 shows a day. I'm showing my nerdiness here, but I LURVE this show! It is like my drug.

The Soup -- Gots to get me some reality scoop! This show is frickin' funny! It is recaps of all the stupid crap that's happened during the week. And believe me, there's LOTS of stupid crap. Good times.

Child Star Confidential -- It is so much fun to see the little babies all grown up! I'm not kidding you -- Curly Sue is in a hard rock band. Now how crazy is that?

My Fair Brady -- I may have mentioned before how much I heart this show. Mostly because Peter Brady ... er, Christopher Knight ... looks so darn sexy. But secondly because he and his girlfriend, Adrienne Currey, fight all the time and have really weird issues and basically make me feel really, really normal.

I Wanna Be a Soap Star -- There are 10 people vying for a spot on One Life to Live and it is hi-freakin-larious! One girl, Kelly, is the Supreme Bizarro, and does weird Celine Dion-like movements with her arms while she talks. Is she freaking quoting Shakespeare or trying to speak a sentence? It is hard to tell.

Last Comic Standing -- I loves me some funny people! Stand-up comedy rawks. I am rooting for Kristen Key. Any girl who pierced her boobies so she would have shiny nipples is the shiz-nit. Or however you say it.

Big John: One Year Later -- Remember last week when I was all PMS-y and crying over those stupid weight loss/plastic surgery/wedding shows? Well, here's the result. I now feel the need to check up on Big John and see how he's doing. Oh dear god.

If it wasn't for my faithful friend, el DVR-o, I would never remember to watch all these shows. And there's no way I'd be messin' with stupid VCR tapes trying to record all this crap. Fug that. That is why my DVR is my new best friend. I just have to hit one button and wall-lah (that is French for ta-da), I have shows galore to keep me entertained when I have no scrapbooking, reading, cleaning, kid-minding, cooking, husband-keeping-happy-ing, cat whispering, or work to do.

Oh, who am I kidding? I watch tv, scrapbook and read before all that other crap. You gotta make time for your friends, people. How unselfish am I?


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